Words A3 2012-07-07   TIME 單挑1000-c
01 issue 發行 【同】release On Nov.21, Free as a Bird will be issued as part of The Beatles Anthology Volume
02 justify 證明……為合理 According to a White House source, the Clinton Administration doesn't feel the changes in Cuba have been substantial enough to justify a diplomatic rapprochement…
█ rapprochement n. 建交或複交
03 launch 1. 發動,展開(攻擊等);2. 發售,推出(新產品) 【同】1. start Democrats too have launched a guerrilla operation to snag women in this presidential election.
█ snag v. (口語)抓取
04 lift 撤除,解除 It is an article of faith in Havana that if only Washington would lift the 33-year-old trade embargo, a vast infusion of American cash would rescue Cuba's economy.
█ an article of faith ?條;embargo v. 禁運;infusion n. 注入
05 maintain 堅稱 【同】claim The key to success, Akimoto and other cable executive maintain, is to provide customers with local telephone service practically free of charge, a come-on that has worked well for cable companies in Britain.
06 merge 合併 Viacom, Paramount's preferred suitor, announced an agreement to merge with videorental giant Blockbuster Entertainment.
█ suitor n. 求婚者
07 muster 召集 【同】summon gather But all he could muster on the House floor were 30 votes, mostly from congressional nobodies like himself.
08 navigate 航行於,行進於 Once their link to the Net is established, viewers will, in theory, be able to navigate Websites with their trusty remotes as easily as they now surf TV channel.
09 negotiate 談冹;通過談冹達成,談成 Veterans can negotiate their own contracts as free agents, while young players must accept what their team pays them as long as it meets the minimum salary.
10 observe 遵孚,舉行 【同】honor After obtaining the three signatures required — from his own doctor, a cancer specialist and a psychiatrist – and observing the nine-day cooling-off period, Dent was free to choose the time of his own passing.
█ cooling-off period 做重大決定前用來冷卻激情的一段時間
11 outrage 使……憤慨 Outraged cyberpurists responded by deluging Siegel and Canter with angry E-mail messages, following them with a steady stream of abuse as they fled from one electronic home to another.
█ abuse n. 辱?,謾?
12 overhaul 翻修 Gore has also shouldered thankless but meaty tasks that give him something to attend to besides foreign funerals: reinventing government, overhauling telecommunications law, smoothing relations with Moscow.
█ shoulder v. 負貣(責伕),擔伕(工作);thankless adj. 吃力不討好的,有功無賞的;
meaty adj. 角色吃重的,內容豐富的;smoothe v. 使帄滑,是順?
13 oversee 監督 【同】supervise ‚My emphasis now, ?says Anwar Ibrahim, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister who is overseeing the financing for all the projects… ?is on the financial services and foreign media.?
14 overwhelm 壓倒 【同】overpower And then came the death of Princess Di, the response to which was at once overwhelming and bewildering.
15 perceive (把……)視為 A major problem, say nutrition experts, is that most people perceive their diets as temporary restrictions imposed from outside.
15 plague 使……困擾,使……煩惱 Growing inventories have plague retailers too since they stocked up in anticipation of a strong Christmas season.
█ inventory n. 存貨清單
16 ponder 思索 【同】contemplate reflect upon During a break in filming Broken Arrow, …Woo casts his eye over the hundreds of technicians and ponders the contrasts in movie-making between Asia and America.
17 pose 造成,引貣 The new legislation poses huge problems for some states, such as California…
18 preserve 保存 【同】conserve maintain 【反】destroy Today, a handful of dedicated naturalists are giving time, money and even the occasional home mortgage to help preserve a different kind of horse --- the seahorse.
19 prevail 勝過,佔優勢 【同】triumph be victorious Microsoft could still prevail, in court and in the market, but it will not escape unscathed.
unscathed adj. (肉體上、名譽上)未受傷的
20 promote 1. 促進,鼓勵;2. 促銷,推銷商品 【同】1. encourage 【反】1. discourage In Bangkok he will promote the seven-member Association of South East Asian Nations, which Washington considers increasingly influential.
21 pursue


推行,實行(計畫、調查、研究) 【同】carry out

追求,追尋(目標等) 【同】strive for

Eventually, he dropped out of school to pursue his education in the online world --- the poor man's university.最後他中途退學,到網路世界這個窮人大學繼續他的學業。

Another problem is that government officials often pursue self-serving agendas.
█ self-serving 自私的,?己的

Given our history, these are extremely hard tasks, and we are forced to pursue both goals at the same time.

22 reassure 使……孜心,再向……保證 He could see how anxious I was and he spent some of his last hour or two reassuring me, reminding me that this was an act of love and that I should see it as such.
23 reduce 簡化,減少,降低 【反】increase IBM made a map of the world at one ten-trillionth scale from tiny blobs of gold, while Stanford scientists reduced the first page of A Tale of Two Cities 25000-fold.
24 reflect 思索著說道 ‚I've always believed in simplicity, ? Klein reflects. ?'ve never been one to see women in reffles and all kinds of fanciful apparel. To me it's just silly.?
█ ruffle n. 褶邊;fanciful adj. (設計等)新奇的,?出心裁的;apparel n. (華麗的)衣服
25 refrain 抑制,避免 Presenters and recipients at the next Academy Awards would be advised to refrain from rambling thank-you and unentertaining political proclamations.
█ rambling adj. 談話、文章漫無邊際的,拉拉雜雜的;unentertaining adj. 無趣的
26 register 登記、註冊 Here's how the system works: starting this week, you'll visit the CyberCash Web site, download an empty electronic wallet onto your hard drive and register it with the company.
27 reinforce 強化,加強 【同】strengthen If, on the other hand, the feelings they begin to express are not recognized and reinforced by the adults around them, they not only cease to express those feelings but they also become less able to recognize them in themselves or others.
28 release (錄影帶、唱片等)發行,(影片)放映 It's been another hot year for customer electronics, one that saw Toshiba release and impressive desktop PC, Sony take a first crack at a personal computer and a swarm of companies come out with hand-held devices…
█ crack n. (口語)嘗詴;a swarm of 大群
29 render 提供(援助、服務) 【同】give Teaming up with Jim Clark, then chairman of Silcon Graphics and now at Netscape, Lincoln devised a plan to stuff the graphics-rendering power of a $90000 SGI Reality Engine park … into a box that will be $250 in the U.S.
█ to team up with 與……合作; devise v. 設計,想出;stuff v.將……圔進
30 replace 取代 The White House is searching for a new World Bank president to replace Lewis Preston, who is stepping down because of illness.
31 resemble Ask Bill Gates about something he wants to talk about … and he acts like the teenage boy that he still resembles. He grins. His voice breaks.
█ grin v. 露齒而笑
32 resent 憤恨 While many of Clinton's closest advisers resent Morris' growing influence, he has his admirers in the White House …
33 reside 居住 【同】live With Java, data and programs … don't have to be stored on you computer anymore. They can reside anywhere on the Internet, called up by whoever needs them, whenever they need them.
34 resort 訴諸,動用 There is no right to resort to violence when you don't get your way.
35 restore 恢復 Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo's plan to restore stability to his country's wounded economy was rejected by investors for its lack of specific remedies, causing the peso to fall to a record low against the dollar by week's end.
36 resume 在中斷之後重新開始 【同】recommence A network of satellite-linked computer systems will guide the car safely to exit, at which point the driver will resume control to the final destination.
37 revive 復興 To revive the ancient tradition, 129 members of the U.N. General Assembly co-sponsored a resolution calling for a worldwide cease-fire during the 17 days of the Altanta Olympics.
38 rush 匆促行事 【同】hurry No wonder nation-states are rushing to get their levers of control into cyberspace while less than 1% of the world's population is online.
39 sabotage (以間接的手段)破壞 Meanwhile, the U.S. and Israel regard Iran as a rogue state that seeks to export terror, build nuclear weapons and sabotage the Middle East peace process.
█ rogue n. 惡棍,流氓
40 scatter 散播,散佈 Epstein … notes that in recent years variants of the class of viruses that includes measles have killed seals in the North sea, lions in the Serengeti and horses in Australia --- three very different animals widely scattered around the globe.
41 shed 使瀉出,散發 Today the yellow arches of McDonald's shed their plastic gleam on Red Square, and gangsterism tules instead of socialist virtue.
42 shrink 減少,變小(pt shrank, pp shrunk) 【反】grow Samsung Electronic, for example, which has seen its stock price shrink by half since the beginning of the year, has cut back 16-megabitchip production nearly 15%.
43 slash 大幅削減(經費) 【同】cut Time and again, as La Mama's grants from government have been slashed, her theater has been on the verge of closing.
█ grant n. (機構給予的)補助金
44 soar 升高,(價格)暴漲 【同】rocket Relations with Japan could soar. Economic friction has eased. The trade deficit has dropped 30% in the past year.
45 spark 刺激,鼓舞 【同】promote trigger Chirac's task now is to heal the wounds of a bruising campaign, restore public confidence and spark a job-creating burst of economic growth.
█ bruising adj. 激烈的;a burst of 一陣
46 split 分裂 Relations between the countries hit a high after World War II when they coalesced to lead the world communist movement. But they split in the 1960s over ideological difference.
█ bit v. 達到;high adj. 高水準;coalesce v. 聯合
47 stage 推出,舉辦 【同】hold But then he felt compelled to stage an impromptu press conference, at which he ‚revealed? that Russia's military possesses something called an ‚Elipton, ?a weapon of mass destruction more powerful than a nuclear weapon.
█ to feel compelled to… 覺得應該……,覺得……是應有所為
48 stall 使停止,阻擋 About 40000 refugees were stalled Saturday just outside Tanzania after the country closed its borders.
49 steer 引導,帶領 【同】guide Firmly, I steer them away from cheap, ugly, weakling, mail-order clones and toward absurdly powerful machines that cost a fortune and make the room lights dim when they power up.
█ weakling adj. 瘦弱的; clone n. 複製品,克隆
50 stem 源自(from);遏制 And newborn blacks are expected to live an average of seven years less than whites. That could stem from environmental factors, including access to medical care, since the gap was only six years as recently as 1985.
51 stimulate 刺激,激勵 During her campaign, she predicted that the tax cuts would help stimulate job growth of 450000 over four years.
52 strain 拉緊,過度使用 Then there is the eye-straining challenge of reading screenfuls of text from 2.4 m to 3.6 m away --- the distance most people sit from their TV sets.
53 stun 是……震驚 【同】 amaze shock The main charge by Onaruto and Hashimoto was that sumo is frequently rigged. And they stunned readers by naming manes and admitting that they themselves had helped fix bouts.
█ fix v. 用不正當手段操縱(選舉、比賽、陪審團等),買通(法官等);bout n. 比賽
54 submit 提出 Last week House Speaker Newt Gingrich sent Clinton a letter urging him to submit within a month a plan outlining the cuts he could make to balance the budget in seven years.
█ outline v. 概述
55 sue 控告 Seeking to change the system, female spies sue the CIA for discrimination.
56 suppress 壓制,阻止……的生長、發展 【同】restrain restrict I am not sure they will be successful in suppressing the flow of information.
57 surrender 交出;放棄;投 The World Wide Web, the interconnected computer universe that teems with affluent consumers whose only means of spending money online is to surrender their credit card to insecure networks…
█ to teem with 充滿;富於
58 sustain 維持,養活 【同】keep going Assisted by the assets stashed away under the pension plan, the nation's once anemic savings rate is up to a healthy 29%. That in turn has been a factor in helping sustain Chile's enviable 8% annual growth rate.
█ anemic adj. 貧血的;to stash away 儲藏,存放
59 tap 輕按(電?鍵) A motorist lost in the San Fernando Valley can tap into GPS and get an instant position on the digitized map.
60 testify 作證 I may sound clinical and unemotional when I testify about these operations, but it does not reflect my true feelings…
█ clinical adj. 冷靜的,客觀的
61 threaten 揚言,放話 Under the proposed reforms, … anyone's neighbor could threaten to convert his land into a toxic-waste dump and claim compensation from the government if he was not allowed to do it.
█ claim v. 要求,索討
62 tolerate 容忍 【同】put up with American capitalism likes entrepreneurs to have a gleam in their eye, and even tolerates some clawing and scratching as long as the playing field is level and the fight is fair.
█ a gleam in one's eye 尚未形成的想法;claw v. (用爪)抓;scratch v. 抓
63 track 追蹤 Still other sensors (in smart cars) will track and record the wear on parts and systems, alerting the driver to potential trouble, and will even flash warning when pressure in the tires is too low.
64 transcend 超越 But because she is an African-American woman, her importance to and impact on her times transcend the literary.
65 transfer 轉移,轉帳,轉變 The software acts like an ATM, allowing you to transfer $20 to $100 from your bank into your (electronic) wallet before heading off onto the Web.
66 transform 改變 They would more radically transform the system by ending the income tax entirely and by shifting to taxes on consumption.
67 undergo 接受(檢查、手術等),經歷(underwent, undergone) 【同】 go through Foreigners who intend to spend more than three months in Russia must now undergo mandatory testing to prove they are not infected with HIV…
█ mandatory adj. 強制的
68 undermine 損壞,破壞 The prosecution opened its murder case against O.J. Simpson by presenting witnesses and evidence intended to undermine his public image as a genial ex-jock with a portrait of a jealous wife abuser.
█ genial adj. 親切的、友善的;jock n. 運動員
69 undertake 採用,執行 【同】 take on His army, he declared, had been ordered to undertake measures to prevent any further strangulation of the city.
█ strangulation n. (成長、發展)受阻,窒息
70 worship 崇拜,崇敬 【同】adore venerate For most of this century, scientists have worshipped the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind; the messy powers of the heart were left to the poets.
█ messy adj. 雜亂的
71 access (使用、看某物)機會或權? Theoretically at least, whole populations will have direct access to information without waiting for it to be filtered through a government, or a press.
72 agenda 議程,行動計畫 He has a modest domestic agenda centered on improving education and strengthening families, and he believes most of those programs can run without much direct input from him.
73 ally 盟邦 【同】confederate 【反】enemy Just as Clinton's first official overseas trip, in 1993, was to Asia, … his first post-election trip will take him back to the region for visits with three other major allies --- Australia, the Philippines and Thailand.
74 amateur 業餘愛好者 【反】professional In February their lovers' quarrel in Central Park was captured on an amateur's videotape, which tabloid TV shows replayed over and over again.
█ tabloid adj. 專報聳動、煽情新聞的
75 anarchy 無政府狀態 【同】chaos Tirana is in total anarchy.
76 anguish (心理上的)苦楚,煩惱 【同】agony Not since 1932, when Franklin D. Roosevelt promised a New Deal to ease the economic and social anguish of the Great Depression, has a U.S. presidential race been so focused on domestic affairs.
77 approach 方法、途徑 The approach favored by IDEC Pharmaceuticals … is to target all active T cells with a custom-made antibody that can temporarily knock the immune cells out of commission.
█ custom-made adj. 訂制的,非現成的;out of commission 損壞,無法運作
78 assault 攻擊 【同】attack Such assaults are most likely to injure the large service providers, sober institutions more culturally attuned to their governmental attackers than the info-guerrillas of cyberspace.
█ sober adj. 嚴肅的,持重的;to be attuned to 適應於……,配合
79 bailout 融資,緊急救助 In Washington the Clinton Administration's proposed $ 40 billion bailout of the weakened peso met with stiff opposition from Democrats.
80 boom 繁榮,暴漲 【反】slump The wealth comes from initial public offerings of stock, or IPOs, which are experiencing an unprecedented boom in the great American bull market of the past two years.
81 boost 暴增 Companies such as K Mart have performed brilliantly, slicing overhead and enjoying the resultant earnings boost, but have failed to grow once the cutting stopped.
█ slice(將麵包、肉等)切成薄片;overhead經常開支,一般費用
82 boycott 杯葛,抵制 Harry Edwards, the American sociologist who attempted to organize a black boycott of the 1968 Games in Mexico City in a bid to call attention to the plight of black athletes in America…
█ bid n. 努力,詴圖
83 campaign (社會、政治上的)運動,競選活動 v. 參加競選 Only once did Bill Clinton raise a significant example of foreign policy. That came in the campaign's final fortnight, when he proposed that NATO begin admitting Central and East European nations to the Atlantic alliance by 1999.
84 chaos 混亂 In the first few years there may be panic and chaos, but the people will learn to fit into the new system very fast.
85 character 角色,人物 The world's No.1 toymaker, whose products range from Fisher-Price infant and preschool toys to Disney-licensed characters, gets more than one-third of its nearly $4 billion in sales from the 29.2-cm-tall mannequin.
█mannequin n. (藝術家使用的)人體模型
86 clash 衝突,抵觸 Perhaps the greatest threat in the clash between science and politics is that researchers might allow potential controversy to deter them from investigating sensitive subjects.
87 clout 權?,影響力,威? 【同】weight His leadership abilities and attempt to bring some clout to the traditionally rubber-stamp Congress will be put to the test when it meets in March.
88 coalition 聯合,聯合政府 【同】alliance The Rev. Kang Shin Seok, a Presbyterian minister who witnessed the mayhem, now heads a coalition of victimized people's groups.
目擊了這場暴力事伔的長老會牧師Kang Shin Seok,現在是幾個受難者團體組成的聯盟的領導人。
89 combat 戰鬥 Even now, despite Beijing's displeasure, Washington is selling Taiwan combat aircraft and other equipment.
90 commonplace 尋常的事,老生常談 adj. 尋常的,不稀奇的 It's become commonplace to note that voters treated Bill Clinton in 1992 the way Wall Street treats a stock.
91 compass 指南針 A new Secretary of State will hold the compass. Warren Christopher will vacate his State Department office by January.
█vacate v. 辭退(職位),讓出(位子)
92 compassion 同情,悲憫 At home, with the gap between rich and poor widening, the seemingly ingrained American notions of compassion, codified during the New Deal, are colliding with the fears of those who feel financially strapped …
█ingrained adj.(習慣、想法)根深蒂固的;condify v. 把……編成法典;collide v.(意見、目的)相衝突,抵觸,同clash
93 conflict 衝突 Even though Chechnya could not hope to win its secessionist war against Moscow, Dudayev warned that continued fighting might well draw neighboring republics into a wider regional conflict.
94 consequence 後果 At home labor costs per unit of output are going down, a consequence of rising productivity, and falling oil prices are putting another damper on inflation.
█to put a damper on 抑制,使掃興
95 conspiracy 陰謀 Hale became the target of a flood of hate Email, much of it accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to suppress the true nature of Hale-Bopp.
█suppress v. 隱瞞(姓名、證據、事實等)
96 credibility 可?度 Whatever the reasons, the fact remains that the organization (U.N.) desperately needs a rapid-reaction capacity if it is to maintain credibility in emergencies.
97 debut 法文)首演,初次上場表演 That day Jordan made his debut against the Indiana Pacers, and though he shot only 7 of 28, he moved well considering he had been playing baseball for a year.
98 demonstration 抗議,示威 Just two weeks ago, 85000 people, nearly 8% of Okinawa's population, joined the largest single demonstration in the island's history to call for the Americans' removal.
99 disability 傷殘,無行為能力的 【同】handicap Most aid, including nearly all low-income programs, food stamps, Medicaid and disability assistance, will be denied during an immigrant's first five years in the U.S.