Words B2 2012-07-11   TIME 用字1000-k
01 despise 鄙視 We don't despise the veterans of America's 90's war,the Gulf War,we merely pity them.
02 dissemble v.)隱瞞(真正的意圖),掩飾(內心的感受) They discounted his (Clinton's)womanizing and his dissembling about the draft because they like his energy and intelligence and the fact that he wasn't George Bush.
◇discount (v.)不予重視,同disregard;womanize (v.)(口語〕玩女人;draft (n.)服役,徵兵
03 diverge 分歧?同?part Their paths diverged when Ben went East to get a master's degree in business and Harold started building satellites on the West Coast.
04 diversify 使多樣化.?同?branch out Says…a Nissan dealer who now also sells Fords:"We'll never sell Toyotas,but there is definitely a move to diversify.Consumers want variety.?
05 don 穿上,截上?同?put on Today's bikini offers more support,and the body-conscious woman is able to don a bikini in confidence.
06 dub 命名?同?name Many tore down traditional homes and uprooted venerable trees to build concrete dream houses using nearly every square meter of the plot.The new architectural model was dubbed "the monster house.?
◇plot (n.):土地
07 elude 逃避?同?escape But where Clinton imposed sanctions on firms doing business with Cuba,he infuriated allies like Canada but eluded a certain Republican trap.
08 entertain 抱有(?念、感情)?同?harbor Many progressive,westernized Albanians had continued to entertain hopes for a rational settlement of the crisis.
09 entitle 使有資格,使有權? Ever since Franklin Roosevelt sat in the White House six decades ago…one U.S .tenet has never changed;if you are poor and eligible,you are entitled to cash paid by the Federal Government to improve your life.60年前羅斯福總統入主白宮以來,美國有一項?條尌始終維持不變:只要你是窮人,而且符合資格,你尌有權領取聯邦政府支付的現金來改善生活。
10 epitomize 作為典範,代表) There are hardly any major designers,who have not been influenced by the kind of American style Calvin epitomizes…
11 evaporate 蒸發,消失?同?disappear When Bill Clinton ran for president four years ago,he missed no opportunity to distance himself from incumbent George Bush's foreign policy.: Once he triumphed,though,Clinton's difference,evaporated like dew in July.
12 extol 宣揚 A brochure promoting investment opportunities in Kwangju touts its reputation as ‚the Vanguard of Democracy?and extols those citizens ‚who sacrificed so much against the past unjust regime in order to recover its freedom.?
13 flout 抗拒,違反?同?defy Last July 4,Nye County commissioner Richard Carver,flouting federal law,used a bulldozer to break open a road in a national forest and then filed a criminal complaint against forest-service workers who tried to stop him.
14 flush (out) 將……趕出隱蔽處 Only a week after ordering the Mexican army to flush out the Chiapas rebels from their mountain hideouts,Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo abruptly changed course and called off the troops.
15 foil 阻撓,使受挫折 It's been a long time since the U.S.was on the right side of a good coup.Take this latest foiled attempt on the part of the Kurds and the CIA to knock Saddam Hussein out of power in Iraq.
16 garner 獲得收穫?同?gather acquire That was also the day the initial public stock offering for Netscape Communications,a company that had yet to turn a profit,instantly garnered$2billion on the strength of one idea(World Wide Web).
17 gobble (up) 大口猛吃,狼吞虎嚥 After watching everyone from Microsoft to Meca Software gobble up online-banking customers,banks have became eager to prove that they're not headed for extinction.
◇to head…for…使…朝〔某方向)前進
18 grab 怠匆匆、胡亂地做某事(如吃飯、喝飲料等) Barksdale slipped into a suit,grabbed a quick breakfast and pointed his Mercedes toward Netscape's Mountain.View headquarters.
19 gridlock 交通堵圔 Japan's Intelligent Transportation System master plan calls for fully-automated cars to be plying the island nation's dreadfully gridlocked roadways by the year 2010.
日本的智慧運輸系統總體計畫要求在西元2010年之前,全自動車輛可以在這個島國擁擠不堪的道路中穿梭往返。◇ply (v.)定期往返於……之間
20 grill 在長時間內問許多問題,盤問?同?interrogate Detectives who grill suspects in Homicide (TV series)do it with verbal cunning,not strong-arm bullying.
21 huddle 擠成一團?同?cluster At 10a .m.a U.S.Coast Guard plane appears .
Hoping not to be seen,passengers huddle on the floor of the boat,which is slim with vomit and seawater.
22 hurtle 飛速前進?同?plunge He was about to send a company with$6billion in sales and 19,641workers-all$70billion worth-hurtling in that direction.
23 impede 阻止?同?hinder hamper In many areas there was nothing to impede the terrible mud slides because the wildfires of 1993had destroyed all the vegetation.
24 indict 貣訴?同?charge Then last week Murayama got an agreement from the U.S .that American servicemen wanted in serious crimes can now be taken into Japanese custody before they are indicted,rather than afterward as was previously the case.
◇custody (n)羈拙,監禁
25 infringe ?犯(法律)?同?violate The Indiana Democrat,who was worried that the ban might infringe on the rights of law abiding gun owners,had already voted against the bill.
26 inhibit 阻止,抑制?同?restrain The highly popular Prime Minister is committed to ending political corruption and trimming the vast web of economic regulations that inhibit imparts push up consumer prices and infuriate the U.S.
◇trite (v.)調整,削減
27 invoke 引用,求助於,召喚,使……浮上心頭 He invoked the names of John's parents and said how proud they would have been;once again many of those present were brought to tears.
28 jolt 劇烈搖晃,衝擊 He added that a surge in short-terra rates could jolt the stock and bond market…
29 languish v.)(在株久的困境中)受苦,受折磨 Chicken sales are down at markets and restaurants,and caged birds languish unsold in pet shops.
30 leverage 使(事情)變容易,使(事惰)更順?進行(n.)手段,影響力?同?facilitate We also try to energize the remaining people around increasing top-line growth,that is getting close to your customers,expanding the business you're good at and looking for opportunities to use technology to leverage the work.
◇top-.line growth公司常用的財務報表,不論是balance sheet(資產負俊表)還是income statement(損益表),其第一行(top line)都是revenue(收人),最後一行(bottom line)則是純?。所以top-.line growth 指的是營收增長.bottom line則是指損益情形,引申為總結。
31 mimic 酷似,呈現……的形象?同?imitate A rapid expansion of hot gas would mimic a nuclear explosion.
32 molest 騷擾,調戲?同?abuse Don't molest crops,women or prisoners of war.
33 mushroom 快速增長,快速蔓延 Faced with a mushrooming crisis,Yetltsin last week called for a new effort to sterns crime.
34 negotiate 順?通過,成功越過?同?navigate Trying to negotiate the curve around a sea of red ink,Amtrak announced that it would cancel more than a fifth of its service throughout the nation and trim,500employees.
◇a sea of大量的;red ink赤字,虧損trim (v.)削減
35 nibble (小口)咬 Rats and cockroaches nibbled at the torn flesh on his leg as he spent his nights in a bare brick cell,unheated even when the temperature fell to -7C.
◇bare (a.)〔屋內)沒有陳設的,空蕩蕩的
36 nudge 輕推 Officials are trying to nudge the economy toward such higher-value goads as electronics and machinery.But so are competitors elsewhere in Asia.
37 override 使無效,推翻(決定)?同?overrule He persuaded Ronald Reagan to get the Philippines'Ferdinand Marcos to leave office but lined up votes to override Meagan's veto of a bill imposing sanctions on South Africa.他說服雷根,把菲律賓的馬科斯拉下臺,卻也在雷根否決國會提出的制裁南非法案後,糾集議員推翻其否決。
◇to line up:組織
38 peg 斷定 Scientists pegged the age of the carbonate globules at 3.6billion years,strongly suggesting that they formed in crevices of the rock while it was still part of the Martian crust.
◇crevice (n.)(窄而深的)裂縫
39 perch 使坐在…… Masayoshi Esashi is perched proudly on the cutting edge of technology.
◇on the cutting edge of……致力於最先進的……
40 precipitate 加速(壞事的來臨)?同?bring about hasten At the same time,the overbuilding binge that glutted America's skylines with vacant buildings has pushed the construction industry into a depression and helped precipitate a general credit crunch.
◇binge (n,)無節制的狂熱行動;crunch (n,〕短缺,不足
41 prescribe 開藥方,規定 Oregon adopted the only measure,in the U.S.to allow doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminally-ill patients.
◇terminally (adv.)末期地
42 pursue 走(路) An increasing number of marital therapists believe it is their job to save the relationship rather than simply help each party pursue his or her chosen path.
43 rankle 使憤慨,使痛苦 Not only have Washington's harangues on human rights rankled,but there have been other sources of friction.
◇harangue (n.,v.)長篇大論的說教
44 ravage 破壞,蹂躪 UNICEF plans to use that time to step up public health and education programs in 14war-ravaged countries,
◇to step up促進,提高
45 recede 後退 During the past 100years,the sea level has risen 1ft.along the U.S.Atlantic Coast,causing beaches to recede between 200ft·and 300ft.on average.
46 rehabilitate 帄反,恢復 Abu A1rub said he committed the crime on behalf of the militant Islamic group Hamas to rehabilitate himself after being accused of collaborating with Israel.
◇collaborate (v.)(與敵國)勾結,通敵
47 reiterate 重述,重申?同?repeat Even before Secretary of State Warren Christopher traveled to Brussels to reiterate U .S.commitment to the Contact Group plan …the Pentagon was urging Clinton to cut his losses and compromise with the Serbs.
48 relish 特?,歡(做……)?同?enjoy They relish citing examples of overzealous enforcement (of federal regulation):the sheep rancher who was fined$4.000for shooting a grizzly bear that was attacking him…
◇overzealous (a.)過份熱心的
49 rendezvous n.)會陎約會?同?(v.)meet Leeson had left Kuala Lumpur to rendezvous with his wife Lisa in the Malaysian resort town of Kota Kinabalu,and there…he boarded the plane in his own name.
◇resort (n.)度假勝地
50 repeal 廢除(法律)?同?rescind You can outlaw technique,you cannot repeal biology.
◇outlaw (v.)宜布……為非法,禁止
51 replenish 補充,補滿?同?refill The challenge for every prisoner,particularly every political prisoner,is how to survive intact,how to emerge undiminished,how to conserve and even replenish one's beliefs.
52 revile 謾?,痛斥?同?hate despise Meanwhile,the Bosnian Muslims revile them (peacekeepers)for standing by when women and children are shot.
53 revitalize 再給予……活力,使復蘇?同?revive revivify While the California company reported a healthy 10%gain in third-quarter profits,most of its toy lines are mature,and for them to grow,they must be constantly revitalized,particularly in the US.
54 rig 以不正當手法操縱(比賽、選擇等),作弊 In late February he carne up with tentative agreements on improved medical care…,along with proposed reforms intended to make elections harder to rig.
55 scurry 急匆匆地走 Like an array of ants,Haitians by the hundreds scurry up and down the dusty bans of Massacre River with their gallon plastic jugs·
56 shell out 付款?同?fork out Before long,Meeks had shelled out more than $25,000in legal fees.
57 simulate 模仿,模擬 Medic,an Osaka-based software company,is selling a popular video game in which players simulate the experience of AIDS from HIV infection until death.
58 solicit 請求,徵求 When the White House close new Democratic National Committee members,it did not bother to solicit Jackson's opinion.
59 spawn (大量)生產,引貣 The result wars one of history's headiest corporate ascents,as the ubiquitous Netscape Navigator browser helped spawn the world's starling online stampede.
◇stampede (n.v.)蜂擁上前,大量湧到
60 spearhead 作……先鋒?同?lead As president of the International Green Gross/Green Crescent,a private organization intended to help coordinate global environmental initiatives,Gorbachev hopes to do nothing less than spearhead a drive to save the planet.
61 stifle 壓制,遏制?同?repress Critics charge that Gingrich is playing rightwing politic,trying to stifle funds for cultural projects that he and his allies dislike.
62 synchronize 使……同步,使……一致 Seven persons were killed and at least 36injured in synchronized dawn attacks,when two explosive-laden vans blew up at British army checkpoints near Londonderry,in the northwest,and Newry,in the south.
63 torpedo 破壞?同?sabotage wreck Neither Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor the Arabs have torpedoed the search for Middle East peace.
64 tout 吹捧,吹噓 Even fashion editors who tout couture's more fanciful currents on the pages of their magazines venerate Sander.
◇couture (n.)時裝設計(業);fanciful (a.)(設計等)新奇的;venerate (v.)尊敬,崇拜
65 traverse 橫越?同?cross Anyone who wants to traverse the chamber has to crawl through a tight passage,lighted by a string of dim electric light bulbs,where dirt has been painstakingly cleared away.
◇crawl (v.)(緩慢)爬行
66 trudge 步履艱難地走 As the Israelis and Palestinians trudged toward accommodation,hope for progress shone on another front as well.
67 trumpet 大力宣傳 In Los Angele this week Sego will be trumpeting the arrival of a 32-.bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog,a soaring game called Nights,and a Net Link telephone hookup…
68 underscore 強調?同?underline To launch his fall line-and celebrate 25years in the business-he (Issey Miyake)put on an extravaganza in Paris,a long,lavish show that underscored a strong reason for his enduring career:complex technology made beautiful by artistry.
◇line (n.)系列產品;extravaganza (n.)豪華的演出
69 unravel 散開,瓦解 His struggle against his homosexuality was unraveling both his marriage and his academic post in a religious school.
70 usher in 預告,宣告……的到來?同?herald By answering such questions,Lewis and other researchers hope to usher in an exciting new era in materials science,one based not on petroleum products like nylon and plastic but on proteins synthesized by living,growing things.
71 vilify 污蔑,詆毀?同?malign They branded her ‚an apostate appointed by imperial forces to vilify Islam.?
◇apostate (n.)背教者,脫黨者
72 vindicate v.)證明……為正確、合理,辯護?同?justify Those who were responsible for the operation now seemed desperate to vindicate their judgment in the face of overwhelming criticism.
73 wink 眨眼,使眼色 Nintendo won't say anything about its Internet plans right now except to wink and say,as Lincoln does,that it‚will be making announcements in the near future.?
74 advent 來臨,出現 [同] arrival appearance But with the advent of the drip-dry shirt and the frozen breakfast burrito,it became possible for any fellow,no matter how dometical1y challenged,to get out of the house on his own. (TIME,May 6,1996,P〃53)
75 animosity 敵意,仇恨 [同]hostility It is almost entirely the product of animosity between two men leading rival parties who are deeply jealous of each other.(TIME,Mar. 27,1995,p〃36)
76 antecedent 前例,先聲 [同]precursor In 1937,working in his kitchen,Stibitz cobbled together a primitive adding device out of drycell batteries,metal strips from a tobacco can,flashlight bulbs and telephone wires〃Many consider it the earliest antecedent to the digital computer.(TIME,Feb. 13,1995,P.23)
▲adding device電?;to cobble together草草製成
77 aura 氣氛,光暈 [同]air Redford's festival created an aura that welcomed young directors and persuaded Hollywood to do the same. (TIME,June 17,1996,p. 45)
78 behemoth 龐然大物,組織龐大的機構 [同]monster The deal may spur more competition for Microsoft,but it removes the threat that the government will try to break up the behemoth. (TIME,July 25,1994,P〃13)
79 bulwark 防禦工事,提防 One country's louse,of course,is another's bulwark against [fill in the ism:communism,nationalism,imperialism,capitalism].(TIME,Sept〃23,1996,p. 35)
當然,對一個國家來說是惡棍的人,對另一個國家可能尌是對抗〔什麼主義自己填:共產主義、民族主義、帝國主義、資本主義〕的長城。 ▲louse (n.) 虱,卑鄙的人
80 bump (路陎等的)隆貣部分,喻困難 Says Christensen of Thailand's progress from low tech to high:‚It's a long journey〃There will be bumps along the way.?(TIME,Aug.5,1996,p. 42) 克裡斯坦森說,泰國由低科技提高到高科技的過程:‚是一條漫長的旅程,沿路將會有許多困難。?
81 carnage 大屠殺 [同] slaughter The once shabby alleys leading to Provincial Government Plaza,site of the worst carnage in 1980,are now lined with trendy boutiques,while a sprawling shopping mall has just opened under the plaza.(TIME,Dec. 11,1995,p. 20)
▲shabby (a.) 殘破的,破舊的;trendy (a.)時髦的
82 catalyst 觸媒,傶化劑 But the innocence and trust of the young that most adults celebrate and nurture are powerful catalysts for the sexual fantasies of pedophiles〃(TIME,Sept〃2,1996,p. 41)
83 censure 責難 (n.) condemn (v.) condemnation As he demonstrated in the award-winning This Boy's Life(1989),Wolff knows exactly how to find and then walk the line between self-censure and self-pity,(TIME,,Oct〃31,1994,p. 81)
84 charisma (使大眾?服的)超群魅力 [同]magnetism Because of his high profile and charisma,and because of his own admission that he engaged in numerous unprotected sexual encounters,Johnson has probably done as much to educate the public about AIDS as anybody.(TIME,Feb〃12,1996,p〃40)
由於他的高知名度以及獨特的超群魅力,加上他公開承認有過數不清的危隩的性行為,詹森對普及愛滋病教育的貢獻絕不比?人來得少。 ▲high profile高知名度
85 chic 流行 (a.) 時髦的 Now Chinese chic has become Hollywood's latest mania〃Ang Lee is an Oscar front runner for his first studio film,Sense and Sensibility. (TIME,Jan. 29,1996,p. 40)
好萊塢最近流行中國熱,李孜第一次替製片公司拍的《理智與感情》,尌讓他成為奧斯卡獎的熱門人選。 ▲front runner比賽中最有可能的奪標者; studio (n.) 電影製片公司
86 conglomerate 大型綜合企業 Few American communities of any size have more than a single newspaper,which is frequently owned by a distant conglomerate. (TIME,Feb. 10,1997,p. 56)
87 contingency 突發狀況 [同] possibility eventuality The doctor,who is something of a gadget freak,was equipped for any contingency.(TIME,Sept〃23,1996,P〃43) 這位愛好小器械成癖的醫生備有應付伕何突發狀況的裝備。
▲freak (n.) [與修飾語連用](……的)愛好者
88 contraption 奇妙的設計 [同]gadget For quick acceleration and hill climbing,the turbine is linked to a flywheel,an energy-produring and energy-storing contraption that is at least as old as the first potter's wheel〃(TIME,Sept〃23,1996,p. 41)
89 corridor 人口密集地帶 It was for Asia the celestial event of the decade:total eclipses…occur somewhere on the globe every one to two years,but rarely are they visible along such a densely populated corridor. (TIME,Nov.6,1995,p〃21)
90 coup 大成功,大成尌 In an impressive coup,she was on the September cover of both Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.(TIME,Dec〃26,1994,P〃157)
91 dearth 缺乏 [同]lack And though Hou is proud of his films,he thinks the dearth of commercial films is hurting Taiwan cinema.(TIME,Jan〃29,1996,p. 43)
92 detractor 惡意批評者,誹謗者 [同]critic Barbie may not be everyone's favorite companion—detractors love to hate her plastic perfection—but the fashion doll with the impossible figure has long been the most popular girl at Mattel〃(TIME,Nov. 11,1996,p. 36)
93 dominion 支配 The deal immediately raised questions about whether Gates who has near monopoly control of the PC software industry and is moving aggressively into computer networking,is planning to extend his dominion into graphic images as well〃(TIME,Oct〃23,1995,P〃66)
94 downsizing 公司裁員縮編 He(Major)eased off on the giant welfare cuts and industrial downsizing.(TIME,May 12,1997, p. 35)在大幅削減福?支出和企業界的裁員縮編上,梅傑放慢了腳步。▲to ease off 緩和
95 episode 插曲,事伔 Although civilian rule was restored to South Korea in 1993,the wound inflicted by the Kwangju episode has yet to heal〃(TIME,Dec. 11,1995,P〃20)
96 errand 差使,跑腿 His father, a carpenter,died when Paavo was 12,and the boy,eldest of five children,had to quit school and work as an errand runner,pushing a heavy wheelbarrow through the streets〃(TIME,June 24,1996,p. 66)
97 ethnic group 少數民族 According to several statistical measures of intelligence,people of Asian and especially Chinese descent consistently outscore other racial and ethnic groups.(TIME,Sept.11,1995,p. 60)
根據幾項智力測驗的統計顯示:亞裔,尤其是華裔,在各項測驗裡領先其他少數民族,絕少例外。▲outscore (v.) (表現)比……出色
98 excursion 出遊,涉人 Crichton's other major excursion into cutting-edge science involves the trendy field of complexity... 克賴頒所涉足的尖端科學領域還包括今日最風行的‚複雜理論?。
▲cutting-edge (a.)尖端的,最先進的;trendy (a.)最時髦的,走在流行尖端的
99 fad 一時的流行,時尚 [同]craze Her legacy can be seen in every presidential candidates who discuss their marital problems on TV to the fad for crash diets. (TIME, June 17, 1996, p.27)
她的影響力所及,從在電視上大談自己的婚姻問題的總統候選人,到風行一時的快速減肥食譜,無所不包。▲crash (a.)速成的