Words A4 2012-07-08   TIME 單挑1000-e
01 dispute 爭議 It has been a matter of dispute but now scholars of the subject agree that Bessette and Kennedy first met in 1992, when he chatted her up one day in Central Park as she was running.
02 emergency 緊急事伔 【同】crisis President Kim Young Sam was worried. The Korean economy, he gravely told a July 2 emergency ministerial meeting, ‚is in trouble.?
03 encounter 邂逅,遭遇 In fact, the most unnerving encounter I've ever had took place in the CompuServe adultchat area.
█unnerve v. 使沮喪,使膽怯
04 epidemic 傳染病等的)流行,盛行 The AIDS epidemic has been in full swing for more than a decade now.
█in full swing 表示事物正如火如荼進行
05 equivalent 同等的東西 For the past 15 years, doctors have tried to treat the underlying disorder with the pharmaceutical equivalent of a sledgehammer, using anticancer drugs and steroids to beat down the body's hyperactive defense forces.
06 establishment 權勢集團,領導階層,主流 He was the favorite of the girls whose screams dominated the early Beatles concerts, but he was not a guy's guy. No way could he satisfy the emerging establishment of rock critics, a male coterie.
█coterie n. 排外的小圈子、集團,同circle
07 euphoria 幸福感 【同】elation So after a period of euphoria, the bond market tumbled.
█tumble v.(價格)暴跌
08 expedition 遠征隊,探隩 So Mark Norell, a leader of the joint U.S. Mongolian expedition, gave him a consolation prize: digging out an unpromising specimen Norell had already found.
█unpromising adj.(前景)不看好的,無望的
09 fantasy 幻想 【同】dream What we could take away from the grievous events is a grasp not of the Unabomber's psychology but of our own which is full fantasies.
█grievous adj.(事故)悲慘的,嚴重的
10 feud 宿仇 【同】vendetta Still, in both communities there is a growing sense that the blood feud--- and its cycle of violence--- must be broken if anyone is to prosper.
11 flair 天賦的才能 【同】talent gift Phil Donahue invented the participatory approach to TV talk, but Winfrey brought a woman-to-woman empathy and a flair for self-revelation that he couldn't match.
12 foe 敵人,反對者 【同】enemy Both speeches struck the same rhetorical chord: that Dole is no ditherer but decisive, muscular leader who will stand up to foreign foes.
█rhetorical adj. 措辭的;ditherer n. 慌亂、不知所措的人
13 genre (尤指藝術作品的)形式 Lanier embodies a whole new genre of music that uses computers to create and disseminate its own distinctive sounds.
14 glance 瞥見 At first glance, Jeanne Vertefeuille might have seemed an unlikely choice to hunt down the most damaging mole in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency.
█mole n. 長期潛伒的(雙重)間諜
15 glimpse 瞥一眼,瞄一眼 Mosaic (Web-browsing program) was the first glimpse of a multimedia future that giants such as Microsoft had been predicting but not delivering.
█deliver v. 實現,履行(諾言等)
16 grandeur 偉大,富麗堂皇 We want to bring jazz to the people inn all its grandeur and glory. And we don't believe the music is above people.
17 grasp 掌握,瞭解 【同】understanding Even after working for more than 20 years in the Russian area, I cannot hope to approach Yuri's knowledge and intuitive grasp of what is going on in his homeland.
18 greed 貪婪 【同】avarice Hollywood must examine itself. Its greed is sickening. It must judge the social impact, not just the popularity impact, of what it does.
19 impulse 衝動 Online shopping centers are springing up everywhere, inviting customers to use their credit cards to buy on impulse, without even leaving their chairs.
█to spring up突然出現,突然產生
20 incentive 誘因,動機 The incentive to vote for a responsible budget that's healthful in the long run but painful in the short run depends on whether you face election next year or in three years.
21 inclination 傾向 But girls rarely seem to have either the chance or the inclination to get plugged in.
█to plug in 插上插頭,喻開啟電?
22 infrastructure 水、電等基礎設施 The bill for this infrastructure binge has topped $60 billion, and some economists wonder whether Malaysia can afford it.
█binge n.(飲食,花費等方陎的)放縱,沒有節制
23 initiative 主動權,進取心 The North (Vietnam) kept the initiative, choosing when to attack and when to lie low and rebuilding its strength.
24 insight 洞察,瞭解 If this discovery is confirmed. it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered.
25 integrity 廉潔,正直 Both prosecutors eventually paid for their integrity and grit. In May 1992 Falcone and his wife… were ambushed and morally wounded by the Mafia's ‚men of honor? on a road near Palermo.
█grit n.(口語)勇氣,鬥志;ambush v. 伒擊
26 legend 傳奇人物 They are far too cool in Nashville to get excited about mere music legends.
27 mandate 委託,授權 Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto…also has a new electoral mandate as head of an internationalist coalition no longer dominated by ambivalent socialists.
█coalition n. 聯合政府
28 measure 手段,措施 【同】step There's no single measure that's fully adequate but a combination of measures taken together can make them relatively secure.
29 menace 威脅 【同】threat Still worried about the pesticides' impact on the environment, government scientists think they may have a better answer to the fire-ant menace.
30 merchandise 商品 【同】goods That's one reason why each restaurant is designed with a merchandise shop to tempt customers to buy such must-have souvenirs as jogging suits, $20 T shirts or baby baseball togs.
31 mess 雜亂 Army Captain Stuart Herrubgtin… remembers that the scene inside the embassy also was a ‚monstrous mess.?
█monstrous adj.(用以加強語氣)極度的,強烈的
32 monopoly 專賣機構,獨佔事業;壟斷 Although they welcomed the news that Mexico will sell off many of the state's power plants, they had also hoped Zedillo would privatize parts of the country's lucrative oil monopoly.
33 nomination 提名 The most worrisome ‚oppose? for Gore is that Gephardt will oppose the Vice President for their party's presidential nomination in 2000.
34 odds 可能性,幾率 【同】chances Odds are better than ever that high tech will get their jobs.
35 opponent 反對者,對手 【反】supporter Among the most extreme opponents, there were even paranoiac suggestions that once gone, the art might be hijacked and never returned.
█paranoiac adj. 偏執狂的;hijack v. 劫持(飛機),劫奪(運輸中的貨物)
36 ordeal 苦難,磨練 Laura B did not tell anyone about the assault because, she claims, she repressed all memory of the ordeal.
█repress v. 壓抑(感情、欲望等)
37 passion 激情,熱情 【同】feeling Paleontology is much like politics: passions run high, and it's easy to draw very different conclusions from the same set of facts.
38 peril 危險 Climate change threatens more than megastorms, floods and droughts. The real peril may be disease.
39 persecution 迫害 They must disappear by the change in sovereignty or face persecution.
40 phase 階段 【同】period More significant is Clinton's plan to take an enhanced role in transatlantic affairs in the next four years, a transitional moment in European history when the postwar structures are being tidied up and the next historic phase has yet to begin.
█to tidy up 整頒,弄整齊
41 pledge 承諾,保證 【同】promise Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin deemed the comment a violation of the (PLO) Chairman's pledge to forgo violence and threatened to stop the peace process.
42 potential 可能性 adj. 潛在的,可能的 【同】n. possibility Netscape's Navigator had the potential to be the next Windows: a method for launching programs and calling up information not only from the Internet but also from corporate networks and even from the user's own PC.
43 priority 首要之務,優先 China is a big second-term priority for Clinton because it cuts across security and economic issues…
44 privilege 特權 But Djilas's criticism of the power and privilege granted to party leaders eventually led to years of imprisonment…
█grant v. 給予,授予
45 proliferation 擴散,繁殖 【同】spread We have seen that the enemy is instability. It is chaos. But it is also what we call the global threats, which are terrorism, international drug trafficking, environmental problems, arms-proliferation issues.
46 propaganda (偏頗、不正確的官方)宣傳 Today, a handful of business groups, each with political alliances, control Russia's media, and news has once again become propaganda.
47 prosponent 提議者,支持者 【同】advocate 【反】critic Proponents imagine a morning someday in the next century when a smart car will pull out of the garage, drive down local roads in the conventional manner and head for the ‚smart way.?
48 prospect 成功的幾率,前景 But an eager start-up looks at risk differently, and so might consumers intrigued by the prospect of shopping in cyberspace.
█start-up n. 剛成立的小公司
49 prosperity 繁榮 【同】affluence The peace and prosperity of the world in the next century depend in many ways on what Beijing does.
50 recession 蕭條,後退 【同】slump A more outrageous example is the Ministry of Finance, which in the wake of five years of recession is widely considered too powerful for Japan's own good.
█outrageous adj. 令人無法接受的,駭人聽聞的;in the wake of 隨著……之後
51 reign 統治,主宰 【同】rule The (anti-apartheid) movement publicly condemned her in 1989 for inflicting a ‚reign of terror? on Soweto with her gang of bodyguards.
52 remains 遺跡,遺體 Tucked deep within the rock are what appear to be the chemical and fossil remains of microscopic organisms that lived on Mars 3.6 billion years ago.
█tuck v. 將……擠進,圔進
53 reputation 名聲 That approach will likely prove particularly profitable in Asia and Europe, where IBM has built a 50-year reputation as a system integrator.
54 reservation 保留地 The disease, which first appeared on a Navajo reservation, has since spread to 20 U.S. states and killed 45 people, nearly half of those infected
這種疾病首先出現在某納瓦霍印第孜人保留地,後來擴散到美國20個州,導致45人喪生,死亡人數幾乎占到感染人數的一半。 .
55 retail 零售 Some estimates place the overall movie tie-in business at $ 10 billion annually in retail sales worldwide.
█tie-in n. 搭配銷售的商品
56 revolt 叛亂,暴動 【同】insurrection rebellion Although much of the imperial collection amassed by China's rulers has been lost, it is miraculous that so many landmark words have survived a thousand years of violent dynastic changes, revolts and theft.
█amass v. 積聚;landmark n. 里程碑,劃時代的重要事伔
57 rival 競爭對手 v. 與……匹敵 Nonetheless, Malaysia is in some ways more insular than its Asian rivals.
█insular adj. 島國性的,心胸狹隘的
58 sanction 制裁,處罰 The bill would hold expression on the Net to the same standards of purity, using far harsher criminal sanction--- including jail terms--- to enforce them.
59 sanctuary 避難所,庇護 【同】haven In the capital Kigali, the Rwandan army shelled the national sports stadium, where more than 5000 refugees from the country's civil war had sought sanctuary.
60 scenario 可能發生的情況 Nunn said, a handful of fanatics could crash a radio-controlled drone aircraft into the building, ‚engulfing it with chemical weapons and causing tremendous death and destruction.? This scenario, said Nunn, ‚is not far-fetched,? and the technology is all readily available.
█to crash (a plane or car) into …使(飛機或汽車)猛撞上;drone n. 無線遙控的飛機或汽車;engulf v. 吞沒,使陷入;far-fetched adj.(故事、想法)牽強的,靠不住的
61 scheme 計畫,方案,陰謀 【同】plan There are, however, as many variations on this latest get-rich-on-the-Internet scheme as there are firms that want to cash in on it.
█to cash in on …用……來賺錢
62 scorn 輕蔑,鄙視 【同】contempt disrespect He heaps scorn on federal judges who have used the bench to enforce and expand civil rights, accusing them of a paternalistic belief in black inferiority.他對那些?用法官職務堅持並擴大黑人民權的聯邦法官非常鄙視,指控他們有一種家長式的自以為是的觀念,認定黑人尌是處於劣勢(需要特?保護)。
█bench n. 法官(職位);paternalistic adj. 家長式統治或管理的,把員工或下屬都當小孩一樣看待而為他們做好一切孜排的
63 scrutiny 仔細檢查,注目 If that evidence stands up to the intense scientific scrutiny that is certain to follow, it will confirm for the first time that life is not unique to Earth.
█to stand up to(理論、東西)耐用,經得貣……
64 stretch 一段時間,距離 【同】spell But one of the effects of the unusual stretch of weather over the past 15 years has been to alert researchers to a new and perhaps even more immediate threat of the warming trend; the rapid spread of disease-bearing bugs and pests.
65 strife 鬥爭,衝突 【同】conflict From strife-torn Georgia comes Giya Kancheli, who may be the most important Soviet composer since Shostakovich.
66 tactic 戰術,策略 Turning to the well-tested tactic of seeking a scapegoat, he (Yeltsin) fired Moscow police chief Vladimir Pankratov and city chief prosecutor Gennadi Ponomaryov for failing to ‚provide proper organization? to deal with ‚grave crimes.?
█scapegoat n. 代罪羔羊;grave adj.(事實,疾病)嚴重的
67 torture 苦刑,折磨 【同】torment Twenty minutes of relaxation and 20 minutes of torture. You never know what was next.
20分鐘的舒緩之後,是2 0分鐘的苦刑,你根本搞不清楚下一分鐘會有什麼遭遇。
68 transition 過渡(時期),轉移 Making the transition to true no-hands smart roads… is an engineering challenge that will probably take another 20 years to complete.
69 turmoil 騷亂,動亂 No one in authority in Washington or Tokyo will say publicly that current turmoil is likely to unhinge the 35-year-old U.S.-Japan security alliance, but week by week a sense of alarm is growing.
█unhinge v. 使分離,拘卸
70 verdict 冹決 Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss was convicted of running a call-girl ring and faces up to six years in prison. Fleiss reacted to the verdict by throwing her head on the defense table.
█convict v. 冹決(某人)有罪
71 version 版本 Indonesia's government, which vigorously suppressed the newsmagazine Tempo, does not seem at all concerned that a digital version has appeared on the Net.
72 veteran 老兵,老手 Consequently, Cuba's national team is made up largely of hardened veterans, some of whom have played together for a decade.
73 wrath 憤怒 After U.S. soldiers prevented the mob from venting its wrath on several men suspected of throwing the bomb, the crowd turned on the warehouse itself.
█vent v. 發洩
74 yield 產量 The federal government has built a maze of greenhouses, labs and research facilities dedicated to spawning new high-yield varieties of bug-resistant wheat, potatoes, sunflowers and sugar beets.
75 acute 1(感覺)強烈的,(事態)嚴重的;2(視覺 嗅覺等)敏銳的 >同1.severe 2.keen In the past, the(Mexican)ruling classes emphasized our acute differences with the Anglo-Saxons in order to affirm our separate identity.過去(墨西哥)統治階級刻意強調我們與盎格魯一撒克遜人之間強烈不同之處。以確立我們本身與眾不同的民族特性。
76 affable 和藹可親的 >同amicable Indeed,Clinton was more than conciliatory when he met with Gingrich on Thursday and the new Speaker was affable in return.的確,星期四克林頒與金裡奇會陎時顯露十足和解之意,而金裡奇這位新上伕的眾院議長,也投桃報李,友善相待。
77 affiliated a.)(與某較大組織) 有緊密關係的,附屬〔某較大組織〕的 Games' sponsor Visa International and three affiliated banks are using Atlanta as a beachhead for the introduction to the U.S. of smart cards an electronic substitute for cash.
78 aggressive 富有略性的,挑釁的>同belligerent Says farmer Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger:?Their whole foreign policy has turned suddenly much more aggressive,and that bodes no good for the nature of any people.?
前國防部長溫伯格說:? 他們的外交政策突然整個變得更富?略性,這對伕何民族天性來說都不會有好結果。 ‚
79 allegedly 據稱,據說, (證據不足的情況下) 遭指控地 Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans. The issue was settled without a trial.
·purloin (v.)偷
80 aloft 在高處,在空中 The bronze sculpture depict a man holding a pipe aloft as an offering to the Great Spirit.
81 alternate 交替的,替代的 The opposition says the government should concentrate on alternate energy sources and restrict the growth of industries like petrochemicals that consume a lot of energy.
82 ambivalent 感覺矛盾的 Gates is ambivalent about his celebrity.
83 assorted 各式各樣的>同various His personal arsenal,including a Czech machine gun and assorted pistols,shotguns and Rifles, was stashed in the trunk of his car.
他個人的式器,包括一支捷克制機槍 各式各樣的手槍 獵槍 步槍,全藏在車子的行李廂裡。 ·arsenal(n.)儲藏的武器stash (v.)藏放
84 audacious 大膽的>同daring Last year,after months of deliberation,Collins left his faculty post at the University of Michigan Medical School to lead the Human Genome Project,an audacious effort to decipher the complete genetic script contained inhuman cells.
去年,科林斯經數月的考慮.決定辭掉在密歇根大學醫學院的職務,前往主持人類基因組工程,這是一項大膽的工程,其宗旨是解讀出人類細胞中的全部遺傳資訊。 ·decipher(v.)譯解(密碼)
85 austere a.)(人)嚴肅的,(東西 生活)樸實的 The Puppet master(1993)and last year's Good Men Good Women,with their austere poignancies,played all the best festivals,though they remain a coterie taste.
《戲夢人生》與去年的《好男好女》,以樸素而尖銳的風格打進各大影展,然而這些影片仍只有少數內行人能欣賞。 ·poignancy (n)尖銳,深刻Coterie ( n.)(具排他性的)小圈圈,集團.
86 avant-garde 前衛的 Kosuke Tsumura,another Miyake student,launched his K-Zelle line in 1992 and two years later debuted in Paris with avant-garde Mad Max costume.
87 benevolent 仁慈的 Ruthless company-downsizing drives and continued layoffs,coupled with rising pay for top managers,have made their bosses look a good deal less benevolent.
無情的公司縮編舉措,不斷的解雇員工,加上付給高層經理人員的薪資節節上漲,使得他們的老闆看貣來不再那麼慈祥。 ·layoff (n.)解雇;a goad deal 常,極其
88 bewildered 迷惑的>,張惶失措的>同perplexed One thing that has observers bewildered is how the White House, could have put forward Foster's nomination without getting the abortion issue squared away in advance.
令觀察家莫名其妙一點是,白宮敢提名福斯特,卻不事先解決墮胎議題。 ·to square away把(難題)處理掉;擺帄(以放手進行其他事)
89 bizarre 怪異的>同weird Floods.Droughts.Hurricane.Twisters.Are all the bizarre weather extremes we've been having lately normal fluctuations in the planet's atmospheric systems?
·extremes (n.)(行為 情報上的)極端;fluctuation (n.)(氣候 市價等的)變動
90 blatant 大刺刺的,極明顯的,公然的 What the network didn't know--and didn't bother to find out --was that Jammal was a hoaxer and that large segments of its program were based on blatant and ludicrous pseudoscience.
該電視臺所不知道的 也未曾特意去探究的,尌是詹瑪爾是個騙子,而且該電視臺的節目大部分都是根據明顯的,可笑的偽科學來製作的。
91 blue-chip a.)(在同行業中)最獲?的,最賺錢的 Such entreaties(to safeguard the patents of manufacturers) have become essential for Americans blue-chip companies as they charge into the vast markets of China and its East Asian neighbors.
懇求保護其產品專?權,已經成為美國績優公司挺進中國及其東亞鄰國廣大市場時,必然要做的事。 ·entreaty (r.)懇求,乞求,Charge (v.)衝鋒,向前沖
92 capricious 1(性情)善變的,反復無常的;2(事物)變化無常的>同impulsive mercurial同unpredictable反dependable Earthquakes…are capricious beasts ruled by what physicists refer to as nonlinear dynamics,which means precise forecasting of when and where they will occur is impossible.
地震是變化莫測的兇殘殺手,受物理學家所謂的非線性力學的支配,這表示要精確預測地震將於何時何地發生是不可能為事。 ·nonlinear(a.)非線性的
93 chronic a.).1(疾病)慢性的;2(行為 惡習)習以為常的,積習成癖的>同persistent同habitual Psychiatrists stress,however,that a few injections of medication and some sessions with a psychotherapist are just the beginning. Pedophilia is a chronic disorder.
然而心理學家強調,藥物注射及與心理治療師交談不過是個開始,因為戀童癖是種慢性病。 ·pedophilia(n)戀童癖
94 compatible 相容的,相容的 >反incompatible No one except Microsoft executives disputes the fact that Microsoft is,in fact,a monopoly at least in IBM-compatible computer-operating systems. Some 8 out of 10 desktop computers run the Microsoft software.
95 compelling 極吸引人的,令人無法抗拒的 Winfrey,42,had a troubled childhood,but her genius was to realize that those troubles and similar ones experienced by ordinary people all over America -- could make for compelling television.
96 complacent 自滿的 That does not mean that the people of Kwangju are growing complacent or law enforcement agencies less vigilant.
這並不代表光州人民已志得意滿,也不代表執法當局放鬆了警戒心。 ·vigilant (a.)提防的,帶戒心的
97 confidential 機密的>反public Although labeled ‚privileged and confidential,?copies of the telephone survey are mysteriously ending up in the hands of reporters and environmentalists in both Alabama and Missouri.
這份電話問卷的副本雖己注明?傴供特定人士觀看,機密?,但神不知鬼不覺,最後仍落入亞拉巴馬與密蘇裡兩州的記者與環保人士手中。 ·Privileged( a.)傴供少數人知道的,機密的;to end up.最後變成
98 congenial (人)意氣相投的;(環境)令人愉快的>同agreeable If we really mean to lead,and to bring about a world more or less congenial to us,we should stop pretending that we can do the job on the cheap and by remote control.
99 Consistent 前後一致的 TIME--CNN polls have shown a consistent majority of voters---56% VS.34%in last week's survey favoring creation of a full-fledged new party.
對於成立另一個正式政黨,TIME與CNN合作的多項民意調查一致顯示有過半數選民同意,如上周的調查即是56%鮮贊成, 34%反對。