Words A7 2012-07-09   TIME 單挑1000-g
01 mourn 哀悼 【同】grieve for At Francois Mitterrand's graveside not along ago, the mistress mourned alongside the widow.
02 multiply 大量增加 Most industrial pollution comes from small factories, which have multiplied from 15000 in 1950 to nearly 2 million today.
03 nurture 培養,養成 【同】cultivate The organizers hope that the infrastructure--- and awareness--- nurtured by this exposition will launch a boom in Net use.
04 outfit 配備,供給 【同】fit out General Motors is outfitting a convoy of 10 Buick LeSabres that are scheduled to make a test run next year on a modified stretch of I-15 outside San Diego.
█convoy n. 車隊,船隊;stretch n. 範圍
05 penetrate 看透他人心思的,識破 【同】grasp fathom Little Women gently but firmly asks us to penetrate its 19th century disguises and discover something of ourselves hiding in the dim past.
06 phase (in/out) 逐漸引進或逐步廢除 Called Integrion, the partnership will phase in such activities as bill paying, electronic lending and stock and bond trading beginning next year.
07 plunge 沖進,跳進 After drifting through interplanetary space for millions of years, one of these Martian rocks ventured close to Earth 13000 years ago… and plunged into the atmosphere, blazing a meteoric path across the sky.
█drift v. 漂流,遊蕩;meteoric adj. 流星的
08 proclaim 宣稱 【同】declare announce Whatever PETA says, he proclaims, is all lies and nonsense.
09 prod 刺激,激勵 【同】stimulate A museum planned for the site of the notorious labor camp Perm 36 will prod visitor into grappling with those horrific tales.
█to grapple with: 設法解決(困難)
10 prompt 促使 【同】encourage Kim's warning was prompted by a slump in exports and a rise in imports that forced the government to double its estimate of the country's 1996 current account deficit to as high as $12 billion.
█slump n. 暴跌
11 prosecute 貣訴,告發 We've tried to prosecute him, but it's hopeless because he controls the court system and the judges… He's also protected under parliamentary immunity.
█immunity n.(責伕、義務等的)豁免
12 provoke 引貣,激發 A first reading of this book provokes a mix of outrage and hilarity.
█hilarity n. 高興,歡樂
13 prowl 潛行(尋找竊取機會) Reporters now regularly stroll the Internet for stories in the same way they used to prowl the corridors of City Hill. The tradecraft is a little different, but journalists are learning fast.記者現在定期在國際互聯網上流覽以尋找報導題材,尌和他們過去常到市政廳走廊伺機尋覓新聞如出一轍,打探消息的方式有所改變,但記者學得都挺快。
█tradecraft n. 諜報術
14 quell 壓制 Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto resorts to force to quell her own family's challenge to her power.
15 rebound 止跌回升,反彈 Among the good omens: U.S. and Japanese economies are strengthening, and the Japanese yen is expected to rebound.
█omen n. 前兆,預兆
16 reclaim 索回 Foreign Ministry spokesman Chen Jian even suggested a timetable of sorts, saying that after China reclaims Hong Kong in 1997 and Macao in 1999, then Taiwan will be high on the agenda of the Chinese people.
17 reconcile 調解 Washington has blocked China's membership in the World Trade Organization, which Beijing wants as a venue for reconciling trade disputes and obtaining more favorable tariff treatment.
█tariff n. 關稅
18 recruit 招募,吸收 To find out, Ho and one of his team, Dr. Martin Markowitz, recruited two dozen men in the earliest stages of infection and placed them on combination therapy.
█therapy n. 療法
19 relate 敘述 【同】tell She would love to relate what happened that night, Thomasson told Congress, but felt she should talk first only to special counsel Robert Fiske.
20 relinquish 放棄 【同】give up Nearly one-third of those who relinquished triad ties were already in custody.
█triad n. 幫派;tie n. 關係,瓜葛;custody n. 羈拙,拘禁
21 renounce 宣誓放棄 One in seven Taiwanese mobsters turned themselves in to police and renounced their lives of crime.
22 repent 悔改 Specifically, he (the Pope) suggested that the church needs to repent for its sometimes intolerant treatment of other faiths. That notion shocked some bishops.
23 restrain 抑制,遏止 【同】check But Templeton reminds us that not all Mexican companies will be hurt if the government fails in its attempt to restrain prices.
24 retrieve 取回 【同】recover get back He lost his heart ot her almost at once. Never did he retrieve it.
25 savor 品味 Fully savoring Tsai Ming-liang's He Liu (The River) requires patience.
26 scramble 爭相搶奪 Rebecca Runkle, a Morgan Stanley analyst who has watched toymakers scramble in the digital age, calls the new CD-ROMS a strategic coup.摩根·斯坦?的分析師麗蓓嘉·朗克爾目睹了玩具廠商在數位時代的爭奪戰,稱這張新光碟是策略上的奇招。
27 scrape 刮除 No useful devices exist yet, but the prophets of nanotechnology insist that it may be only a few years before cell-size robots swirl through the body scraping fatty deposits off the walls of blood vessels…
█nanotechnology n. 微細科技,即製造分子或原子大小的材料或機器的技術;
swirl v. 旋轉移動;deposit n. 沉澱物,淤積物
28 seduce 誘惑 【同】tempt Over the past three months, Microsoft programmers have released a stream of new products designed to seduce Net users away from Netscape.
29 shatter 使粉碎 【同】destroy The Nintendo 64 shatters the convention of two-dimensional horizontal scrolling video games.
30 shell 炮擊 They shelled and blockaded Visoko, where Canadians (peacekeepers) were posted.
31 shun 規避 【同】avoid In an era in which management gurus strive to push decision making down the chain, Email has made it easier for middle managers to shun responsibility by bucking decisions up the ladder.
█strive v. 努力去做;buck v.(口語)推卸(責伕等)
32 shuttle 往返,穿梭 For three years, the West has sought a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Bosnia while sending in U.N. peacekeepers to shuttle around a war zone and provide humanitarian aid.
33 snap 毫不留情陎地說 During rehearsals, Love and guitarist Eric Erlandson snap at each other.
34 snap up 爭相搶購 They (moviegoers) snap up copies of Winston Groom's 1986 novel, on which the film (Gump) was based…
35 spell 意味,招致 【同】signal It has become commonplace, in this digital era, that electric communication will spell doom for authoritarian regimes.
36 spur 刺激,激勵 PC sales are likely to pick up too, spurring demand for Asian-made components like disk drivers and monitors.
█to pick up (情勢、健康、成績等)好轉
37 strand 使進退兩難,使束手無策 The role is oddly similar to Schwarzenegger's persona in Last Action Hero: someone who plays a superman at work but in the real world is stranded without a script.
█persona n.(戲劇、小說裡的)角色、人物;script n.(戲劇、電影等的)腳本
38 strangle 把人)勒死,抑制,阻撓 The members of the larger patriot movement are usually family men and women who feel strangled by the economy, abandoned by the government…這個較大的愛國組織,其成員通常來自覺得被生計壓得喘不過氣,且被政府遺棄的有家庭的男女。
39 stride 大跨步 But Chiappe's foot had been so badly burned he could baely hobble, let alone stride around looking for ancient dinosaur hones.
40 stuff 充滿,裝滿 【同】cram Browsers brought order to the chaos of the World Wide Web, a corner of the Net stuffed with text, sounds and pictures.
41 stumble 摔倒,喻失敗 In January she stumbled in her men's fall collection, showing loose garments in prison stripes; Jewish groups protested that they looked like concentration-camp grab.
42 subsidize 給予補助金 Fel-Pro also subsidizes tutoring for children having trouble at school and helps with college counseling.
43 surf 衝浪,上網遨遊 But it's not hard to imagine millions of people a few years from now surfing the World Wide Web through their video-game players with sonic and Mario at their side.
44 surge 急速上升,暴漲 【同】increase Sales of Japanese cars equipped with CD-ROMS and satellite navigation systems are already surging--- from 306000 in 1994 to a projected 750000 this year.
█project v. 預估
45 surpass 超越,淩駕 Star Wars demonstrated that revenues from film-related action figures, magnets and whatnot could rival a movie's ticket sales--- and in at least two cases, Batman and Jurassic Park, even surpass box-office revenues.
█revenue n. 收入;whatnot n. 種種東西,等等;box-office adj. 票房的,叫座的
46 swarm 蜂擁 The beggars who swarm through other Indian cities are almost nowhere to be seen, making Surat, by many standards, a picture of India's prosperous future.
47 tamper 篡改 Before Java allows any line of code to be executed, it determines whether the command is a legal one, using powerful encryption to ensure that the program hasn't been tampered with.
█encryption n. 譯成密碼,密碼化
48 tap 開發,?用 Eager to tap international aid before the P.L.O. gets it all, Hussein hinted that he might agree to terms of a full peace treaty even if Syria is still haggling.
█haggle v. 與人討價還價,爭論
49 tempt 誘惑 Even with the price cutting that started last week and is likely to continue through the holiday season, the (32-bit) systems are still far too expensive to tempt consumers used to paying $100 or less for a game machine with plenty of good software.
50 tip 使債斜 The new finding tips the balance steeply toward the bird-as-dinosaur camp.
51 topple 推翻,債倒 【同】overthrow Then toppling him would have meant U.S. occupation of Iraq, which was untenable for America, its allies and the Arab world.
█untenable adj.(理論、立場)難獲支持的
52 torment 折磨 【同】torture The Bosnian Serbs torment them, humiliate them, take them hostage.
█hostage n. 人質
53 trail 尾隨,追蹤 【同】follow He got three speeding tickets--- two from the same cop who was trailing him…
54 trigger 觸發 It (surgery) also helps temper the involuntary arm and leg movements triggered by the Parkinson's medication L-dopa.
█temper v. 緩和
55 tug 用力拉 【同】yank Dan Farmer is a computer programmer with a gold ring in his eyebrow, a curly shock of orange hair and a tendency to tug on the beard of authority.
█curly adj. 卷髮的;a shock of hair蓬亂的一堆頭髮
56 uncover 揭發,發現 【同】discover The specialists did not uncover any noticeable deviations from the norm.
57 underline 強調 【同】underscore The President used a news conference to underline once again his opposition to the House-passed welfare bill and to vow to fight for the confirmation of Dr. Henry Foster as Surgeon General.
58 unravel 弄清楚,解開(謎團、秘密等) It was an extraordinarily productive year for the genetic engineers racing to unravel the secrets of human DNA.
59 unveil 首次發表(新產品、計畫) 【同】reveal Last week IBM and a group of 15 U.S. and Canadian banking behemoths unveiled a venture that aims to provide a full range of financial services to the banks' 60 million customers at the touch of a telephone button or the click of a mouse.
60 vanish 消失 【同】disappear It's a bad idea to let Cruise vanish for almost an hour in the middle of his picture.
61 verify 證實 【同】confirm If the results are verified, it is a turning point in human history, suggesting that life exists not just on two planets in one paltry solar system but throughout this magnificent universe.
62 warrant 視……為正當,認可【同】merit Though Targ has not yet published her results, she describes them as sufficiently ‚encouraging? to warrant a larger follow-up study with 100 AIDS patients.
█follow-up adj. 後續的,補充的(調查、報導)
63 whip 擊敗 【同】defeat Newly ascendant to the No. 1 world ranking after last week's Australian Open, Agassi is likely to be surrounded by fellow stars (at Atlanta), but Michael Chang, who whipped Agassi in straight sets in the semifinals at Melbourne, is less certain to appear.
█ascendant adj. 上升的;straight adj. 連續的,不間斷的
64 wreck 破壞 Tull, feeling only jealousy and hatred, attempts to wreck Barry's career and his posh life.
█posh adj. 奢侈的,豪華的
65 addict 上癮者 (v.)使……上癮 Oprah, who once confronted her own childhood
sexual abuse on her show, last week broke down during a program featuring female
drug users and revealed that she had smoked cocaine in the mid-1970s and become an addict. (TIME, Jan. 23, 1995, p. 63)
■to break down(情感、精神)崩潰
66 Adversary 對手 [同] opponent enemy [反] ally Diplomacy without force against an adversary without scruples is useless. (TIME, May 15,1995, p.48) 要與一個肆無忌憚的對手進行外交對話,沒有實力作後盾是不行的。
■scruple (n.)道德上的顧忌
67 advocate 提倡者 ['ædv?,ket](v.) 提倡,主張 [同] (n.) proponent (v.) recommend That's because much of AIDS research would be impossible without experiments that animal advocates consider unethical. (TIME, July 8, 1996, p. 39)
68 alert 戒備 (v.)警告,提醒 The Pentagon saw no evidence that Pyongyang
was preparing for an attack and did not order the 37,000 U. S. soldiers stationed in South Korea to a higher alert level. (TIME,May 5, 1997, p. 30)
69 anecdote 軼聞,小故事 Princeton astrophysicist David Spergel offered a telling historical anecdote in an address to colleagues at the American Astronomical Society's January meeting.
■telling (a.)有力的
70 antidote 解毒劑,(解決問題的)對策,手段 [同]cure remedy Jessica Dubroff's adventure…might have worked as a cute,uplifting antidote to the shaming mess of the O. J. Simpson trial.(TIME,Apr, 2,1996,P〃39)
■mess (n.) 麻煩,困境
71 arbitration 仲裁 A clause added to athletes'entry forms stipulates that competitors' disputes be resolved by the Court of Arbitration for Sport,a 12-member body set up by the International Olympic Committee in 1994〃(TIME,June 3,1996,p. 17)
在運動員的報名表土,多了一條規則,規定參賽者間的爭議應由12人組成的‚運動伓裁法庭?來解決。這個法庭是國際奧會在1994年設置的。■stipulate (v.)(合約等)規定,載明
72 arrogance 傲慢 But Fidelity, the biggest fund company of all, known for its arrogance and aggressiveness, is under unprecedented strain. (TIME, Sept. 30, 1996, p. 44)
■strain (n.) (陎臨困境產生的身心)壓力,緊張
73 assets 資產 Mutual funds have topped $3. 145 trillion in assets…(TIME, Sept. 30, 1996, p. 44)
74 autonomy 自治(權),自主性 [同] independence It's no longer the authoritarian family of the past … So young people can now enjoy autonomy
within their parents' home. (TIME, July
14, 1997, p. 37)
75 beneficiary 受益人 [同] recipient The new law will turn welfare over to the 50 states, where beneficiaries will be required to find work within two years, be limited to five years of benefits during their lifetime and face stringent restrictions aimed at limiting out-of-wedlock births. (TIME, Aug. 25, 1996, p.25)
■to turn over 將(工作、責伕等)移交;wedlock (n.) 婚姻;out-of-wedlock 私生的
76 bid 努力,嘗詴 [同]attempt Because of pressure from the U.S.,Beijing believes,it lost its bid to host the 2000 Olympics,which went instead to Sydney,Australia. (TIME,Mar. 25,1996,P〃14)
77 blockbuster 非常暢銷的、大受歡迎的人或事物 The Soul of Chant, in any event, has risen to No. 10 on the classical charts, not a blockbuster like Chant, but enough to make Milan(Records)Chairman Emmanuel Chamboredon rejoice〃(TIME,May 22,1995,P〃72)
不管怎樣,《聖詠之魂》這張專輯己上升至古典音樂排行榜第10名,雖沒有《聖詠》那張專輯那樣熱銷,但還是足以讓米蘭唱片公司的董事長錢伯敦感到高興。■rejoice (v.)感到高興
78 bloom 盛開,繁盛 [同]blossom long with the wastewater came a strain of cholera that found a home in huge algal blooms stimulated by unusually warm ocean waters and abundant pollution〃(TIME,July 8,1996,p. 40)
這種廢水夾帶了一種霍亂病毒,這些病毒在因異常溫暖的海水及大量污染的刺激而滋長的大群海藻中,找到溫床。■strain (n.) (動植物)品種;algal(a.)海藻的
79 capacity 職位 ‚ My job is to help our clients expand their perceived range of possibilities, ? Saffo says〃Of course,in that capacity,he acknowledges,‚you can affect outcomes.(TIME,July 15,1996,p. 40)
‚我的工作是?明客戶擴展視野,瞭解更多的可能性。?薩佛說。他承認這種角色當然‚可以影響到結果?。■perceive (v.)察覺,看見
80 casualty 傷亡 [同]victim The first casualty of the new Haiti policy,however,was not the Haitian military but Lawrence Pezzullo,Washington's special envoy to Haiti,who was forced to step down. (TIME,May,1994)
81 celebrity 聲譽,名流 [同]star A master at elevating his own celebrity,Calvin Klein may be one of the most recognizable names anywhere in the world〃(TIME,June 17,1996,p. 19)
82 censorship 審查制度 As Internet pioneer John Gilmor once said,‚The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it〃?(TIME,Jan. 15,1996,P〃51)
■route (v.)孜排路線
83 chunk 大塊 Magellan underperformed because Vinik put an enormous chunk of the fund in bonds,believing that stacks were overvalued〃(TIME,Sept〃30,1996,p. 44)
84 clamor 喧嚷 (v.)吵著要…… [同](n.)uproar As Okinawans'clamor for the expulsion of U〃S 〃bases grows,Tokyo and Washington are listening. (TIME,Nov. 6,1995,p, 14)
85 cliche 陳詞濫調 She challenges the cliche that women are more indirect than men and that tentativeness reflects a lack of confidence〃(TIME,Oct〃3,1994,p. 60)
■tentativeness (n.)猶豫
86 consolation 孜慰 It seemed odd when the Dick Morris story broke open that the President,First Lady and Vice President placed calls of consolation to Dick Morris〃(TIME,Sept〃23,1996,p. 60)
87 context 背景,大環境 ‚We are concerned about what kind of China will emerge,?says Singapore's Lee〃‚The problem is of such gigantic size that it is not solvable in the Asian context alone〃?(Mar. 5,1996,p〃16)
88 conviction ?念 It(the discovery)would…strongly support the growing conviction that life,possibly even intelligent life,is commonplace throughout the cosmos〃(TIME,Aug. 19,1996,P〃40)
89 counterpart 相當的人(物)[同]equivalent She(Albright,the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.)was at times less successful winning over her counterparts at the U〃N〃,which,like Napoleon's army,travels on its stomach.(TIME,Dec〃16,1996,p. 37)
■to travel on its stomach:拿破崙治軍很注重士兵伙食,各部隊均配置有廚藝精湛的廚師。在這裡諷刺聯合國各大使很注重口腹之欲,誰常開宴會,讓他們吃得好,尌支持誰。
90 cult 教派,引申為崇拜 Following the trail trod recently by(Jackie)Chan,Chow(Yun-fat)is already a cult idol in the U.S. (TIME,May 6,1996,p. 63) 跟隨成龍最近趟出來的路,周潤發已是美國人崇拜的偶像。
■trod 行走,踩踏,是tread的過去式
91 curfew 宵禁

Officials ordered a curfew,to no avail. (TIME,Nov. 28,1994,p. 46)
■to no avail 完全沒用

92 delinquency (債務、稅款的)拖欠 He made the$6,000 payment covering seven years of delinquency after being offered the Cabinet post. (TIME,Jan.3,1994,P〃17) 他被提名入閣後,償還了7年間來付的稅款6000美元。
93 demise 逝世 The Houston Post was sold to the Hearst Corp〃,which immediately shut down the 110-year-old paper,a rival to Hearst's Houston Chronicle〃The Post's original owners blamed its demise on the rising cost of newsprint〃(TIME,May 1,1995,p〃21)
94 dilemma 兩難的困境 A panel finds that corporate and public policies in the U.S. do not ease the work-family dilemma. (TIME,May6,1996,p.52)
95 disguise 偽裝 Clinton feels so physically isolated at the White House that he slipped out of the compound…five or six times last year〃(Hillary Clinton does the same,but more often and usually in disguise.)(TIME,Feb. 7,1994,p. 24)
■compound (n.)有圍牆的房子或大院
96 dismay 喪膽,驚慌 For its part,Mexico will have to abide by an austerity plan that,to the dismay of most Mexicans,will give the U.S. unprecedented say over the country's economic policies〃(TIME,Mar. 6,1995,p〃25)
■to abide by 遵行,奉行;austerity (n.)(國家開支上)緊縮
97 disruption 中斷,混亂,運行失常 Similarly,climate disruptions may be giving new life to such ancient scourges as yellow fever,meningitis and cholera,while fostering the spread of emerging diseases like hantavirus. (TIME,July 8,1996,p〃40)
98 dissident 異議分子 His Open Society Fund backed the dissidents of Czechoslovakia's Charter 77 and Poland Solidarity,helping topple totalitarian regimes in those countries〃(TIME,Apr〃21,1997,P. 23)
99 doom 滅亡的命運,劫數 [同]fate After the comet hit a second jolt from volcanoes may have helped send the dinosaurs to their doom〃(TIME,Jan〃9,1995,P〃59)