Words B1 2012-07-11   TIME 用字1000-j
01 watershed 轉捩點,開啟新發展的關鍵 [同]turning point In a watershed decision,the U.S. Supreme Court sharply restricted the ability of the Federal Government to fashion affirmative-action programs〃(TIME,June 26,1995,p〃23)
■fashion (v.)製造;affirmative-action 鼓勵雇用少數民族、婦女的贊助性措施
02 windfall 意外之財 Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Washington last week and came away with a windfall of$311 million…(TIME,Feb. 28,1994,p. 13)
03 abysmal 無底的,極差勁的 [同]dismal There is no ignoring Cuba's abysmal state. In the three years since Soviet aid was virtually elimianated,the island's overseas buying power has dropped from $8 billion to $2 billion.
04 all-out 盡全力的,徹底的 Digital change has evolved from an amusing walk toward the future to an all-out sprint.
※sprint (n.)(長距離賽跑中的)衝刺
05 antagonistic 敵對的,不相容的 The antagonistic ants have been harassing (the U.S.) people,mostly in the South,for decades.
06 apace 急速地 [同]speedily swiftly After a 32-year career pioneering the development of California's Silicon Valley,Noyce moved in 1988 to Austin to head Sematech,a government and industry research consortium working to keep the U.S〃apace with Japan in semiconductor manufacturing technology.
※consortium (n.) 聯合機構
07 appalling 可怕的,遭透的 In an appalling demonstration of the mistreatment of recruits and their meager food rations,in March 1993 four sailors on Russky Island in the Fat East died of malnutrition.
遠東區魯斯島有四名海軍士兵,因營養不良而死亡。※meager (a.) 微薄的
08 astute 精明的 [同]shrewd Lawrence Korb,an Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration,calls Powell‚as astute a politician as I've met〃?
09 awry 背離正確方向的,異常的 Scientists are studying how genetic abnormalities that make hormone levels go awry may play a role in sexual orientation〃
※abnormality (n.) 異常,反常
10 (go)ballistic 勃然大怒的 In short,do household pets really have a mental and emotional life?Their owners think so, but until recently,animal-behavior experts would have gone ballistic on hearing such a question.
11 benign 無害的,有?的 Private cars will virtually be banned—Mahathir envisions an environmentally benign metropolis---and replaced by a public transport system combining buses,metros,trams and ferries〃(TIME,Dec. 4,1995,P〃26)
12 breezy 輕快的,無憂無慮的 Invented at a time when optimism was in the air and hedonistic pleasures were beginning to be celebrated, the breezy little bikini shows no sign of growing up or growing old.(TIME,July 1,1996,p. 56)
在樂觀主義彌漫、享樂主義開始盛行時,輕薄短小的比基尼尌問世了。時至今日,比基尼完全沒有長大或是過時的跡象。 ※hedonistic (a.) 享樂主義的
13 bulky 笨重的 They include the most bulky medalist-U.S. super-heavyweight freestyle wrestler Chris Taylor,…and the most petite----among there mothlike Chinese gymnast Li Lu〃
※petite (a.) (女人)身材嬌小的
14 cameo 短暫而精采的 He(Magic Johnson)made cameo appearances,first at the 1992 N.B.A. All-Star Game and then as a member of the USA's Dream Team in the Barcelona Olympics〃(TIME,Feb〃12,1996,P〃39)
15 canny 精明的 [同]shrewd The next step after getting a job was to find a women to marry,and Kennedy has settled this matter as well,finding someone chic,canny and appealing.
16 chagrined 悔恨的,懊惱的 When Bush lost the 1992 election,Milt was chagrined.
17 comely 漂亮的 Jacqueline Joyner came into the world in 1962 in godforsaken poverty in the town of East St〃Louis,Illinois,and was named after the then President's comely wife〃
※godforsaken (a.) 被上帝遺棄的,悲慘的
18 consecutive 連續的 [同]successive Employees work 10-hour days,four days a week,with rotating day and night shifts〃At the end of each three-week cycle, they get five consecutive days off. (TIME,May 6,1996,p〃52)
員工每天工作10小時,一星期4天,並輪值白班及夜班。每3禮拜一迴圈之後,他們有5天的連假。※shift (n〃)輪班(制)
19 cutthroat )(競爭)激烈的 [同]ruthless It's cutthroat,but not enough to concern game guru Eno,who predicts a booming future--in online games.
20 cynical 憤世嫉俗的,覺得世間人都是自私自?的 [反]idealistic Cynical,cool,Lennon was the eye of sanity in the Beatlemania hurricane〃(TIME,Nov〃20,
1995,p. 52)※sanity(n.) 神智清醒
21 deadpan 撲克臉孔的,不帶個人感情的 Cook was a Cambridge undergraduate preparing for a career in foreign service when he joined the comic quartet known as Beyond the Fringe,wowing West End and Broadway stages in the 1960s with his deadpan surrealism.(TIME,Jan. 23,1995, p. 13)
※quartet(n.)四人一組;fringe (n.)邊緣位置,理念怪異或極端而不為一般人所接受的少數人; wow (v.)使(觀眾)高聲叫好
22 demure 矜持的 [同]reserved Demure and sexy at the same time,Brigitte Bardot at 21 stunned in a gingham bikini in the movie And God Created Woman〃(TIME,July 1,1996,P〃56)
23 dubious 存疑的,不確定的 [同]questionable uncertain Wallerstein insists that‚I have never told people to stay together at all costs,?and opposes tougher divorce laws for being of dubious value for the children. 華勒斯坦堅稱:‚我從未告訴人們無論如何都要廝孚終身?,並反對制定更嚴格的離婚法,因為對孩子而言,仍難斷定其中的得失。
24 edgy 焦急的,焦躁的 [同]tense The incident prompted the military to fortify the position and strengthen the troop force there〃Still,the soldiers remain edgy〃(TIME,Dec. 5,1994,p. 83)
25 eerily 怪異地 Your clone might be eerily like you,or perhaps eerily like someone else〃
※clone (n.)無性繁殖系的個體,複製(人)
26 engaging 吸引人的,有趣的 In a series of engaging dramas,Ryder grew up on film and matured in her skills.(TIME,Jan. 9,1995,p.64)
27 engrossing 使全神貫注的,有趣的 Our discussion of sexual fantasies,adultery and homosexuality was so engrossing that more than four hours had passed before we noticed the time.
28 feisty (雖然年老或有病在身,但仍)精力充沛的,強硬的 [同]spunky Clinton has not named a replacement,but one possibility is Madeleine Albright,the feisty ambassador to the U.N〃,who would be the first woman in the post.(TIME,Nov〃18,1996,p. 31)
29 fickle 1(人)多變的;2(物)善變的 [同] 1capricious [反] 2dependable Fashion is fickle;fads are fundamental;careers are often brief. Except in Japan〃There not only do quality and creativity reign,but stability rules. (TIME,Oct〃9,1995,p〃47)
30 formidable 優秀的,傑出的 The small central African republic(Burundi)didn't have a national Olympic Committee until 1993,but it has had formidable runners for several years…(TIME,Jan〃8,1996,p〃13)
31 graphic (敘述)生動的,栩栩如生的 [同]explicit Theater in the U〃S. is filled these days with graphic homosexual stories〃
32 grass-roots 民間的、基層的 His message…has helped make the Christian Coalition one of the most powerful grass-roots organizations in American politics〃(TIME,May 1 5,1995,p. 28)
33 hilarious 喧鬧的,極可笑的 Easier to access are such less-trafficked(Web)sites as Ren&Stimpy creator Spumco(www.spumco.com),with its hilarious Japanese pizza commercial〃
34 hip 內行的,時髦的 [同]trendy Friends quoted in the press say Bessette is hip and determined,a natural socializer who knows how to get what she wants〃
35 impromptu 即興的,臨時貣意的 [同]spontaneous The following day Coetsee paid an impromptu,unannounced visit to the world's most famous political prisoner.
36 invincible 1無敵的;2(精神、理念等)不屈的,頑強的 [同] 1unbeatable Some analysts were saying Netscape had an invincible lead in the browser business, even against Microsoft〃
37 lackluster 乏善可陳的,帄凡的 Sasser triumphed in their first debate,but Frist turned his lackluster performance into another sign that he wasn't a smoothie from the big city. (TIME,Nov. 21,1994,p. 54)
在第一場演講中,薩圔獲勝,而弗?斯特的表現雖然乏善可陳,卻讓人瞭解到他的另一陎,那尌是他不是來自大城市的滑頭小子。 ※smoothie(n.)油嘴滑舌的人
38 malign (影響)有害的,惡意的[同]harmful [反]benign Presenting four-year-old information and focusing on just one of China's hundreds of orphanages,it boldly concludes that‚the pattern of cruelty,abuse and malign neglect…now constitutes one of the country's gravest human-rights problems〃?
※grave (a.) 嚴重的
39 maverick n.)不合流俗的(人),特立獨行的(人) [同]outsider Maverick director Ann Hui should feel flush now:her sweet,minor-key family drama Summer Snow just won four of Taiwan's Golden Horse awards,including Best Picture and Best Actress〃(TIME, Jan〃29,1996,p〃42)
※flush (a.) (口語)很有錢的;minor-key較小規模的
40 mercurial 善變的 [同]volatile In contrast with the mercurial Campbell,Chretien projected a calming image to voters,buttressed by his plain-folks persona〃
種形象。 ※buttress(v)支持,加強
41 microscopic 非常微小的 LSD first won fame for its power,in microscopic doses,to induce hallucinations and a psychotic state. LSD首度聲名大嗓,是因為其傴服用極少藥量,即可使人產生妄想和精神病的藥力。
※hallucination (n.)幻想,妄想;psychotic (a.) 精神病的
42 nascent 初期的,剛開始的 [同]budding The country's nascent green lobby has found an ally in the 25-member Supreme Court,which has ordered several polluting factories to close〃(TIME,Mar. 25,1996,P〃46)
43 nimble 1動作敏捷的;2聰明伶俐的,機警的 [同] 1sprightly 2alert "I don't think you'd he interviewing me on this topic if we were any less nimble,?Gates told TIME〃‚You'd be writing our epitaph.?(TIME,Sept〃16,1994,p. 41)
蓋茨對《時代》雜誌說:‚假如我們動作稍慢一點,你們也不用尌此問題訪問我了,現在應該正在寫我們的墓誌銘才對。? ※epitaph (n.)墓誌銘
44 no-holds-barred 為達目的無所不用其極的,無限制的 Cramer is a hedge-fund manager who for years has written a no-holds-barred financial column for a succession of magazines,most recently the two-year-old Smart Money〃(TIME,Mar〃6,1995,p.73)
45 oblivious 渾然不覺的〔反〕conscious Chinese citizens have greater freedom today than they have had in 50 years〃To be oblivious to that is foolish〃(TIME,Mar, 25,1996,p. 15)
46 ostensible 表陎上的〔同〕alleged Some of the funds were not doing as well as they ought to have been,and many were wandering far from their ostensible mandates. (TIME,Sept. 30,1996,p. 48)
※to wander from …偏離(正途、本題)
47 palatable 1美味的;2愉快的,可接受的〔同〕 1tasty 2acceptable 〔反〕unpalatable The Clinton Administration has no intention of withdrawing,but it will reduce U〃S〃intrusiveness,and do everything it can to make the situation more palatable.(TIME,Nov.18,1996,p〃32)
克林頒政府並無意撤回駐軍,但會減少對民眾的幹擾,並竭盡一切力量來使整個情況較易為當地人所接受。※intrusiveness (n.)入?,幹擾
48 paltry 微不足道的 In 1993,84﹪ of its diversified U.S. equity funds outperformed the market;in 1994 about 51﹪did;last year the figure dropped to a paltry 21﹪〃(TIME,Sept〃30,1996,p.48)
1993年,美國有84﹪的不限類股股票基金獲?率超過市場增長率;1994年這個比例是51﹪;去年卻滑落至微不足道的21﹪。※outperform (v.)(表現)比……更出色
49 provisional 臨時的,暫時的 Iraq was in provisional compliance with that significant U.N. requirement〃(TIME,Oct〃24,1994,p.34)伊拉克暫時遵孚聯合國那項重大要求。※in compliance with順從,遵孚
50 replete 充滿的 It was clear that the concept of Hong Kong is replete with ambiguity.(TIME,Mar. 17,1997,P〃22)很明顯,‚香港?這個概念相當晦澀不明。※arnbiguity(n.)充滿歧義,含意模糊
51 resilient 韌性十足的,很快尌能自創傷中恢復的 But the Japanese economy is so big and resilient that while it might stagger,it could absorb the quake's blow.但日本經濟非常強大,而且韌性十足,因此這次地震後日本經濟或許呈現不穩,但終會挺過此打擊。※stagger (v.)搖搖晃晃,蹣跚
52 riveting 有趣的,引人入勝的 The words were powerful,but not as riveting as the three Polaroid photos that Edwards later took at the West Los Angeles station house〃(TIME,Feb〃13,1995,P〃44)
53 runaway 增長快速的,勢不可遏的 Since the runaway success of his book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind in 1993,he has written one best seller after another,selling an astonishing 6 million copies〃(TIME,June 24,1996,p.46)
54 saturated 飽和的 Its new Microsoft Home division,for example,is an attempt to leverage its position in the market for business desktops, which is becoming saturated and move into the so-called SOHO(small office,home office)market〃(TIME,June 5,1995, p. 32)
55 savvy 精通的 In Moscow and St〃Petersburg,…we call find only 100 people here and there who are Internet-savvy〃(TIME,Feb〃17,1997,p〃47)
56 seamless 無接縫的,組合完美的,渾然一體的 By creating a seamless global-economic zone, borderless and unregulatable,the Internet calls into question the very idea of a nationstate.國際互聯網創造出一個綿密無縫的全球經濟區域,這個區域沒有界限,無從管制,從而使人們對民族國家這個詞的定義心存疑惑。
57 sinister 邪惡的 Our statesmen used to revile Hitler,Mussolini-large and sinister enemies,who wanted to take over the world.(TIME,Oct〃27,1997,p. 60)
58 sleek (人)時髦闊氣的;(汽車、房子等)造形典雅豪華的 More than half a million people will reside in Putrajaya and surrounding suburbs,and sleek commercial buildings will accommodate 135,000 workers. (TIME,Dec〃4,1995,p. 26)
59 stark (對比)分明的 That courthouse seriousness,however,is in stark contrast to the playful tone that Barksdale has set inside Netscape〃(TIME,Sept〃16,1996,p. 44)
60 staunch 堅定的 A staunch conservative on monetary policy,Tiemeyer nonetheless has supported European integration.(TIME,Feb. 24,1997,P.41)
61 steadfast 堅定不移的 [同]firm An innocent person…will remain steadfast in denying guilt. (TIME, May 22,1995,p. 51)
62 torrential 猛烈的,洶湧的 The flow of money into mutual funds this year is torrential,and has already set an annual record〃(TIME,Sept〃30,1996,p〃44)
63 trailblazing 開路先鋒的,大膽創新的 Thanks to Morrison's trailblazing success,black women are not only writing more; their books are being bought and read in droves. (TIME,June 17,1996,p. 41)
增長。 ※in droves成群結隊地,大量地
64 ubiquitous 無所不在的 The city's seemingly ubiquitous statues of communist-era heroes…have been disdainfully torn down〃Gone too are the metronomic boot clicks of the goose-stepping guard outside Lenin's tomb……(TIME,July 4,1994,P. 50)
※disdainfully(adv.)輕蔑地;metronomic (a.) 有節奏的,機械呆板的
65 unfathomable 深不可測的,難以理解的 [同] incomprehensible For most adults,the very idea of considering children as sexual objects is an unfathomable deviancy〃(TIME,Sept〃2,199,p〃41)
66 unfettered 不受拘束的 [同] unconstrained We don't live under free,unfettered capitalism〃Isn't that why we have antitrust laws?(TIME,June 5,1995,p. 52)
67 unscrupulous 無道德原則的,不擇手段的 [同] unprincipled Arguing that Gregorian chants cannot be arranged,EMI called the former monks‚shameless and unscrupulous,?and refuses to pay (royalties)〃(TIME,July 25,1994,P〃73)
EMI公司堅稱格?高裡聖歌不可改編,指責改編這些聖歌的已還俗的僧侶‚無恥、無格?,並拒絕付給他們版稅。※arrange (v.)改編(樂曲、小說、劇本)
68 virtuoso 大師級的,精湛的(n.)名家,巨匠 Yamamoto calls himself a nomad in the fashion world,but he brings a visionary Eastern quality to whatever he touches〃Last year he rang virtuoso changes on the ancient art of kimono design.(TIME,Oct. 9,1995,P〃47)
69 voracious 貪婪的 〔同〕insatiable If we(banks)are dinosaurs,then we're putting competitors on notice that a new breed has evolved with a voracious appetite for expanded market share〃(TIME,Sept〃23,1996,p. 42)
如果我們銀行是行將滅絕的恐龍,那麼我們正在昭告競爭者,一種新品種的恐龍已經演化出來,它們的胃口很大,想佔有更大的市場。 ※breed(n.)(動植物的)品種
70 wayward 不聽話的,伕性的〔同〕unruly unmanageable Four times out of five,the cause of a stroke is a wayward clot that blocks an artery and robs the brain of oxygen-rich blood〃(TIME,Sept〃16,1996,p. 48)
71 whizzy 快速的,出色的 Netscape and Microsoft,whose Web-browsing software dominates the market,are currently engaged in a life-or-death struggle to be the first to introduce the newest and whizziest Internet embellishments〃(TIME,Aug. 12,1996,p. 27)
72 wistful 渴望的,企盼的 When Michael Jordan successfully returned to the game last year,the original M〃J〃felt somewhat wistful.
73 abide 忍受?同?endure In fact,interviews with Travers suggest little more than that she couldn't abide journalists and had little patience with people who yearned to elicit trivial,simplistic or self-evident answers from her.
◇yearn (v.)渴望elicit (v..)(從……)誘出(回答、笑聲等)
74 abscond (帶著錢等)潛逃 The owner of a Kobe sporting-goods store was arrested after allegedly absconding with $64,000in advance payments for Air Mazes (athletic shoes).
神戶一家運動用品公司老闆因涉嫌卷款潛逃而被捕,款項是Air Maxes運動鞋的預付金6.4萬美元。
75 adapt 改編,改寫 It should be a snap to adapt a John Crisham thriller.
◇snap (n.)容易的事
76 aggravate 使……惡化 ‚Sanctions are not a sensible"choice,said Foreign Minister Qian Qichen.‚They would only aggravate the crisis.?
77 annex 併吞(土地) He has threatened to restore Russia's imperial borders,annex Alaska,invade Turkey,repartition Poland,give Germany ‚another Chernobyl,?turn Kazakhstan into a ‚scorched desert.?
◇scorch (v.)燒焦,使成焦土
78 apprehend 逮捕?同?catch After the U.S. embassy receives a tip,American agents and local police apprehend Youself in Room at the Su Casa west House.美國大使館收到線人情報後,美國情報人員和當地警方在蘇凱撒公寓16室逮捕了尤瑟夫。
79 assail 攻擊?同?attack Tensions between the two groups exploded last December,when People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals assailed an AIDS treatment that involved taking immune cells from a baboon and then killing it for autopsy.
這兩個團體的緊張關係在去年12月終於爆發。當時‚反虐待動物組織?(PETA )攻擊一種愛滋病療法,這種療法要從狒狒身上取出免疫細胞,然後殺死拂拂作解剖。
◇baboon(n.)狒狒;autopsy (n.)屍體解剖
80 beef up 加強?同?strengthen The Vietnamese defense budget has recently increased nearly,50%,largely to beef up its air force with an eye toward protecting the reserves.
81 bolster 增強?同?strengthen The danger is that otherwise healthy men will take sildenafil to bolster their sexual performance and then become psychologically addicted,unable to achieve an erection without it.
82 brandish (得意地)揮舞 AmEx clients could brandish their cards in 3.7million upscale establishments worldwide;Visa cards open 11million doors,Master Card 12.3million.
◇upscale (a.)高消費階層的
83 breach 突破,攻破?同?violate But in 1995rising temperature,allowed Aedes a Egypt mosquitoes to breach the coastal barrier and invade the rest of the country.
84 bristle 林立,樹立\stand an end A mountain range bristling with antennas harbors a maze of bombproof underground arsenals and shelters served by a tunnel 4km long.
◇harbor (v.)隱藏maze n.)迷宮arsenal (n.)軍火庫
85 brush aide 軍火庫brush aide(v.)漠視,不理會(問題等)?同?ignore him(Kennedy)brush aside the doubts and point this nation toward great adventure.
86 chasten (為嬌正行為而)懲罰(人),使變乖?同?discipline These chastening experiences have caused governments to be more reluctant to provide the military contingents upon which the U.N.entirely depends.
◇contingent (n.)代表團,派遣團
87 chide 責備?同?scold In his last public appearance,during the 1972World Series,he chided major league baseball for not having a black manager.
88 churn out 大量生產\turn out In one bedroom police found eight (software)coping machines that could churn out 130floppy disks an hour.
89 click 發出"喀嗒"之聲(n.)喀嗒聲 Its (Netscape's)killer application was a program that made navigating the Net as simple as pointing at what you wanted to see and clicking on it.
90 clobber )猛擊,痛擊?同?hit What researchers now realize is that to treat the joint disease they don't have to clobber the whole immune system,just certain portions of it.
91 coincide 同時發生 Disney's Toy Story is being given an especially big push to coincide with its video release,because Disney felt it had underestimated the marketing possibilities then the film was released in theaters last fall.
92 confine 限定?同?restrict The coastal mountain ranges of Costa Rica had long confined dengue fever,a mosquito born disease accompanied by incapacitating bone pain,to the country's Pacific shore.
◇incapacitate (v.)使虛弱,使無能為力
93 consolidate 合併 Murayama is pressing a more substantive gambit:to get the U.S.to consolidate some bases on Okinawa.
□ substantive (a.)實在的,實質的
94 contravene 觸犯?同?break Proponents of the North American pact (NAFTA)argue that nothing in the agreement will contravene the GATT accord,if it is ever reached.
95 culminate 到達(極點,指某伔事情的結束) There it (the Olympic torch)began an 84day,24,000-km odyssey that will culminate in Atlanta's Olympic Stadium at the climactic moment of the July 19opening ceremony.
◇odyssey (n.)長期旅程;climactic(a.)最高潮的,頂點的
96 dabble 涉獵,淺嘗 But Bonnie Lu Nettles,who dabbled in astrology,believed it (their relationship)was fated in stars.
97 debilitate 使(人)衰弱?同?weaken More than half the 122patients in one study showed significant improvement without debilitating side effects.
98 decry 非難,貶抑?同?condemn Abuse experts also decry the argument that a man's obsessive love can drive him beyond all control.
◇obsessive (a.)沉溺的,無法自拔的
99 deluge 使……大量湧至?同?flood Disney Interactive has been deluged with calls from unhappy parents who purchased the Lion King Animated Storybook CD.IOM and were unable to get it to roar.